Psalm 119:121-128

We are servants of the Lord.  We use the word “servant” today in a way that almost causes us to forget the true meaning of the word.  The idea of slavery today is not very common in our thinking and we are not comfortable with the thought of having or being servants.  When we talk about being a servant today it is almost always a voluntary act of helping another person in a way of my choosing that benefits them in some way.  We are not comfortable with the idea of subjecting ourselves to another person and committing ourselves to do what another person chooses for us to do.  When we say that we are servants of the Lord, we must recognize the fact that this puts us in subjection to Him and we must do what He requests of us whether we are desirous of doing it or not.  There is also another aspect of being a servant or slave that is also often over looked.  The Master of a servant is also responsible to care and provide for him. 

HOW GOD PROVIDES FOR HIS SERVANTS: God has promised to defend and deliver us from those who would harm and oppress us.  Our Master has the omnipotent power to protect us from any and all attacks that might destroy or harm us.  That does not mean that we will never face dangers but it does mean that as His servants He will protect us from trials and temptations that exceed our ability to withstand.  Our Master is also our Savior and He has promised to deliver us from all evil.  That does not mean that we will not face fierce battles in our walk with Him, but it does mean that in the end we will experience the victory that He has determined.  God has provided all that we need to serve Him in the way that He wants us to.  We may think that we have needs that have not been supplied, but that is not the case.  Our Master has provided all that we need in order to do all He requires and desires for us to do.  Perhaps when we feel that there is a lack of provision, it is because we are striving to do that which He does not desire of us.

WHAT GOD EXPECTS FROM HIS SERVANTS: God is our loving Master and He loves us perfectly.  God expects that as His servants we will love Him in return.  We are responders to His love.  As His servants we are expected to want to know what He desires of us.  We should want to know His will and have understanding of His Word so that we can live in obedience to our Master.  When we see others who rebel against the commandment of our Master we should desire for justice to be served upon them.  We should have a deep and abiding love for the Lord and His will.  All that He says should be right and holy in our eyes and we should be repulsed by all that is contrary to His will.  As servants of the Lord our greatest desire should be to please Him, demonstrate our love to Him and long for all of His enemies to be defeated.  God expects His servants to have a great love for Him, value Him above all else and be motivated by that love to know and obey Him.


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