Psalm 119:169-176

We need God!  It is very important for us to recognize and live in light of this simple truth.  We have a tendency to be independent and think that we are self-sufficient.  Often, we are so proud that we begin to think and live as if God somehow needs us.  We must never fall into this trap of spiritual arrogance.  We are the ones who lack the understanding and the will power to be able to know and obey God’s Word.  We are the ones who suffer under the weight of our own sinfulness and desperately need to be set free from the snares of sin.  God is the only One who can save us and we need Him.

WE NEED FOR GOD TO HEAR US: One of the best ways that we can demonstrate our need of the Lord is through prayer.  When we cry out to the Lord in prayer, we are essentially declaring our dependence upon Him.  We need help from God to be able to understand the world in which we live and our circumstances according to His Word.  God views things far differently than we view them and if we do not understand that fact we will live in constant frustration and doubt.  We do not naturally gain this godly understanding so we need to ask God to give it to us.  Once we understand His ways we need to ask Him to deliver us from our sinful ways.  As a result of experiencing God’s direction and deliverance we should be faithful to let the Lord hear our praise and the songs that spring from our free and forgiven hearts.  We need for God to hear our prayer and praise.

WE NEED FOR GOD TO HELP US: God responds to our prayers with an all-powerful hand that stands ready to help those who trust and follow Him.  We are not strong enough on our own to find deliverance from those who would persecute us or to find freedom from the sin that enslaves us.  God’s help through His Word and the work of His Spirit in our lives are essential to our ability to please the Lord and live joy-filled lives.  God’s Word and the commandments that are found there are of great value and help to us.  We must pay close attention to the instruction of Scripture, ask God to help us understand His Word and then depend on His help to obey His commandments.  We go astray so easily and can get lost in the maze of sin that surrounds us.  We must cry to the Lord for help and then praise His glorious name for the grace and mercy that He shows us when He delivers us from  sin.


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