Psalm 119:113-120

We share this planet with many evil men and we must put up with many evil schemes that these men contrive.  The question is how are we to respond to these situations?  We must be careful not to be overcome by these men and their practices.  We would do well to follow the example of the Psalmist in this aspect.  He talks about his feelings towards these men as well as the commitments he makes in light of their existence.  He also takes a close look at how God will treat these men and uses it as a means of making sure that he is not swept away in their judgment.

HOW WE SHOULD RESPOND TO EVIL: We are usually not very comfortable with the word “hate.”  However, when it comes to wicked and double minded men, the Psalmist says that he hates them.  He recognizes that they represent a very real danger in his life and he does not want to get caught up into following their evil ways.  We must learn to hate that which is evil and reject their attempts to destroy us.  God calls us to love His Word and to keep His commandments.  The Lord truly is our hope and our strength.  We cannot love God and the world at the same time.  It is very important that we learn to identify and reject that which is evil and then commit ourselves to following the Lord with all of our heart.

HOW GOD WILL RESPOND TO EVIL: God has promised to give us hope in this desperate world.  He has promised to protect us as we trust in Him and commit ourselves to obeying His Word.  This is not true of the evil men.  They may flourish for a time on this world, but God will not stand by forever.  God will one day cast them aside so that all of their plans and schemes will simply fall away and be worthless.  God will discard these evil men and judge them for all of eternity.  The coming judgment of evil men should inspire us to love God more completely as well as fear Him and His judgments.  God will judge all of mankind and we must prepare for that coming day.


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