Psalm 119:73-80

The fact that God created us is a glorious truth with vast implications on our lives as well as our eternity.  The fact that God is our Superior is reason enough for us to submit to His Word; but the truth that He is our Creator places an even greater mandate on our lives to worship, obey and fear Him.  Throughout our lives we must be on a constant search for understanding Him and His ways.  Everyone who creates something does so for a purpose.  God is not exception to the rule.  He created us with a specific purpose in mind, so if we want to live a life that experiences the joy that He has envisioned for His creation; we must learn to know and obey His Word.  This is true for every person on the planet.  However, not everyone chooses to submit to and seek the God who has created them.  Therefore we face two different types of people as we go through our own journey to please the Lord.

THOSE WHO FEAR GOD AND REJOICE IN OUR OBEDIENCE: Followers of the Lord love to rejoice in one another’s victories.  We are not in competition against one another but are in cooperation with one another.  We are members of the same body so when one of our brothers in Christ walks in accordance with God’s Word it is a reason for great rejoicing.  We encourage one another and we challenge one another to become more like Christ.  We help one another so recognize that any afflictions that come into our lives are instruments of God for our own good.  We are a source of comfort and love in one another’s lives and that helps all of us to grow in God’s Word and make obeying Him a priority in our lives.  We delight in sharing the Word of God with one another and that spurs all of us on to a more enjoyable and faithful way of living our lives.

THOSE WHO FORGET GOD AND PROMOTE DISOBEDIENCE: Unfortunately, not everyone fears the Lord.  There are many who have chosen not forget God and His rightful place in their lives.  They have set themselves up as gods in their own little worlds and they then feel the right to command the allegiance of all who are around them.  They despise any who would claim that men are responsible to God and they reject the idea that they will one day be judged be a God who created them.  Their hatred of those who warn them of their responsibility to God is so deep that they will go to great lengths to lie about us, spread false rumors about us and then try to get us to join them in their rejection of God and His Word.  If they can get us to join them in their rejection of God they imagine that they will, in some way, be immune to any judgment from God.  We must not be influenced by their evil ways.  We must stand firm on the truths of God’s Word and meditate on them so that we might live our lives according to them.  Only God’s Word is able to protect and insulate us from the attacks of the insolent who have forgotten God.


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