Psalm 119:145-152

Desperation is one of the strongest emotions that we have.  Our desperation is linked to our desires.  The more we desire something, the more we will experience desperation when we do not get that which we desire.  Unfortunately, we become far too desperate over that which is trivial and frivolous and not nearly desperate enough over that which God would have us feel a sense of urgency and desperation.  The reason that this is true is because far too often, our desires are all “out of whack.”   We must begin to align the desires of our hearts with those of God’s heart or we will find ourselves living lives of desperation for all of the wrong reasons.  Desperation over that which is not vital to God will always lead us to despair.

WE MUST BE DESPERATE TO KNOW THE PROMISES OF GOD: Knowing God’s Word should be a deep desire in the heart of every believer.  The psalmist repeatedly cries out to know the Word of God and understand what God demands of him.  There is a keen sense of desperation that demonstrates a burning desire to hear, understand and do God’s will.  He wakes up early in the morning and stays up late at night in order to have time to study the Word of God and gain an understanding of how God would have him live His life.  When was the last time that we felt desperate to spend time in God’s Word?  Far too often our time in God’s Word is out of a sense of duty instead of a true desire in our hearts.  Or worse yet, we neglect God’s Word all together.  God’s Word and the promises and direction we find there should be a burning desire in our lives that brings us to a point of desperation.

WE MUST BE DESPERATE TO KNOW THE PRESENCE OF GOD: There will be times in our lives when we feel like our enemies are close and the Lord is far away.  These feelings are not accurate feelings because God is never far from us.  However, when we do feel this way it should cause a feeling of desperation to come over our lives.  God’s presence with us should be our most precious possession and our greatest desire.  God is our source of life and protection from those who would seek to harm us and lead us away from the presence of God.  When we understand the promises of God we will experience the presence of God which will assure us of the protection of God.  These should be deep desires within us and we should live with a sense of desperation for the presence of God in our lives. 


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