Psalm 119:153-160

When we love God’s Word it is basically inevitable that we will face affliction in our lives.  We live in a fallen world that does not want to submit to the Word of God and is not pleased when others do.  Affliction should not come as a surprise to us but it should be a great comfort to know that we do not need to face affliction alone.  God is with us and He stands ready to extend His mercy and grace to us and will deliver us from that affliction in the time that He considers best.  When we fear that we may be facing death because of our persecutors we can call out to the Lord who is faithful to give us life.

GOD GIVES LIFE ACCORDING TO HIS LAW: The psalmist calls out for the Lord to deliver Him from his many afflictions because of his remembrance of the law of the Lord.  When we are faithful to obey God’s law, God is faithful to grant us life, redeem us and represent us.  Those who are wicked and hate God’s Law do not experience this mercy and grace from God because salvation is far from them.  God has promised to reward those who trust and obey Him it is a part of His law and nature and we can rest in that assurance no matter how difficult our afflictions may be.

GOD GIVES LIFE ACCORDING TO HIS LOVE: Even though there are many who persecute the psalmist and are counted as his adversaries, he is faithful not to stray from the paths of Scripture.  He is disgusted by those who are faithless and disobey the command of God because it may bring some temporary relief from affliction.  When we love the Lord and His precepts, we are rewarded with life that flows from His love for us.  God’s standards and His dealings with men are eternal and unchanging.  We can be assured of His love lasting forever no matter how many men may try to afflict us because we strive to follow and love the Lord.


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