Habakkuk 1:1-17

God’s ways and means are far different from the way we might expect them to be and how we might want them to be.  It is often confusing to us as we see history unfolding to see the big picture of what God might be doing.  He often acts later than we expect and when He acts it is usually very different from what we have in mind.  Habakkuk begins his book by voicing his mystification with the ways of God.  He says what others may only think.  This first chapter almost sounds like a Psalm.  I believe it is good instruction to pray in honesty.  When we are confused by God’s workings it is far better to call out to Him about our confusion than to hypocritically pretend all is well and live behind a fake facade.

HABAKKUK’S COMPLAINT: Habakkuk has a very common complaint: why do the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer?  His question has been asked from the time of the fall of man.  Once sin entered the world we see the wicked Cain killing the righteous Able.  On and on through history we see the results of sin bringing suffering upon those who strive to please the Lord and an apparent lack of judgment upon those who rebel against God.  Habakkuk sees the condition of the corruption within the nation of Israel and cannot believe the wickedness of the leaders and the way they are permitted to oppress those who fear the Lord.  It seems to him that there are no consequences for sin.  Habakkuk knows that this is contrary to the very nature of God so he calls out for answers and asks God how long will things continue in this way.  I believe this is a prayer that should fill our hearts today.  There is such wickedness around us and those who stand firm on the Word of God are ridiculed and mocked.  Our society condemns those who stand for God’s standards and promotes the agenda of sin.  We must cry out to God.

GOD’S COMMENTS: God assures Habakkuk that He is aware of all that his going on and that He is at work in the course of history to bring about radical changes in the history of His people.  He reveals to Habakkuk that the Babylonian army is being raised up to judge the nation of Israel in war and devastation.  They will be used of God as His instrument of judgment on the nation of Israel.  God knows all about the sinfulness of all men and every man.  He is not deceived and He is not careless.  He is fully aware and fully engaged.  He may not act when or in the way we expect but He will act.  The world in which we currently live is also completely on God’s radar.  He knows and cares and He is at work to bring about His will in His way.  We can cry out as Habakkuk did but we cannot doubt the power and sovereignty of God.  We must learn to trust His ways and His timing and know that it is best.

HABAKKUK’S CONFUSION: God’s answer only makes Habakkuk more confused.  He does not understand how God could use the Babylonians as His instrument of judgment.  They are more wicked than Israel.  This does not make any sense in his mind but it certainly was the way that God was working.  God would eventually also judge Babylon for how they conquered Israel so in His wisdom He was accomplishing His will in two different ways at the same time.  Habakkuk could not see this and questions how God could act in such a way.  We must understand and be aware that God will often do the unexpected.  In the end all will be made right so we must trust and rest in that truth.  God used the captivity of Israel in Babylon to bring many to faith in Him but He also used it to further justify the godlessness of this nation in the future.  We may be confused by God’s ways but they are always wise and always best in light of eternity.  Only God has that perspective and when we reach our eternal home we will clearly see His wisdom in the affairs of this world and how He used confusing ways to accomplish His will.  When that happens our response will be eternal awe and worship.  


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