Haggai 1:1-15

Comfort is one of our greatest priorities.  All of us want to be comfortable.  We have climate controlled homes and automobiles.  Our furniture and beds are soft.  We go to great lengths to make sure we are as comfortable as possible.  However, life is not always comfortable.  There are times of war, sickness and suffering that strip away all of the trappings of comfort and we become focused on survival.  When these times of hardship pass we slip back into our desire for comfort.  It is a natural cycle we all experience.  The nation of Israel had been destroyed, the people were taken captive and for two generations the nation went into “survival mode.”  However, they were allowed to return to their land and rebuild the city and their homes.  They began to get comfortable and forgot their duty to the Lord.  It is in this context that Haggai writes this short book.

THE SIN OF COMPLACENCY: The return from exile started with a bang.  The people under Nehemiah rebuilt the walls and the people began to feel safe under the protection of the king so they started to build their homes.  Life was starting to fit into a normal pattern.  The problem with this was the sin of complacency.  They had been instructed to build the temple but they were too busy building their own homes and planting their own fields.  They simply did not make time for that which they had been commanded to do.  All the years of exile had not taught them the importance of following God’s orders.  They were comfortable but they were also facing hardships.  Their crops would not grow due to lack of rain.  They just never seemed to have enough to get by on.  Haggai describes it as having holes in their pockets.  The harder they worked at their own comfort instead of dedicating themselves to the building of the temple, the more difficult things became.  Haggai calls them to repent and get their priorities straight.  When we make our comfort the priority of life and get complacent when it comes to worshiping our Lord, we will not enjoy the blessings of God.

THE SOLUTION OF COMPLIANCE: Fortunately the people and the leadership had learned the importance of listening to the warnings of God through the prophets.  Haggai lets them know why they are not enjoying God’s blessings and then challenges them to change.  The leaders and the people obeyed the Word of the Lord and immediately complied with his instructions.  They set aside their personal goals and made the building of the temple the priority.  They set off to do the work and God began to bless them once again.  He promises to be with them and provide for them.  God desires to bless His people but He cannot bless those who live in rebellion against Him.  God wants His kingdom to be our priority and not our own agendas or comfort.  When we live with His priorities as our priorities we open up a life of peace and joy that transcends any difficult circumstances we might face.  Comfort can never be more important than God’s will and it will never provide the fulfillment that we experience when we worship God with all of our hearts.


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