Zephaniah 1:1-18

“The Day of the Lord” is and expression that is used in Zephaniah more than in any other book of the Bible.  This expression is the source of much debate and confusion as we consider its meaning.  Zephaniah clearly describes the “Day of the Lord” as a Day of Judgment and destruction on the earth during which time there will be great devastation.  He seems to be referring to the coming judgment of God on the nation of Judah at the hands of Babylon.  However, he also seems to be describing a day that is still in our future during which time God will judge all of the nations of the earth.  We call this period the Tribulation.  It is not uncommon in Scripture to see prophecies with double fulfillment.  Clearly, Zephaniah’s intention was to warn the people of his day but the events of that day will be very similar to the coming day when judgment will fall on all the earth.

GOD WILL JUDGE IDOLATRY: God hates idolatry and Judah had been full of all kinds of idolatry.  Zephaniah specifically mentions Baal worship as well as Milcom.  These were two of the false gods worshiped by the nations surrounding Judah but had eventually been assimilated into part of Judah’s culture.  Zephaniah warns them that they will be severely judged for this idolatrous activity.  The land, animals and all the people will be killed.  Zephaniah writes during the days of king Josiah who eventually tore down all of the altars of Baal and eliminated idolatry from the land so apparently he writes before that time.  Unfortunately, the nation of Judah went back into idolatry after Josiah just as the world today has become idolatrous in so many ways.  The warnings of Zephaniah came true through the Babylonian invasion just as his warnings to this generation will come true during the tribulation.

GOD WILL JUDGE INDIFFERENCE: Besides the sins of idolatry the nation of Judah had grown indifferent.  They lived in such a way that they simply went through the motions of life and did not consider God at all.  God became a non-factor even for the religious leaders and the political leaders as well as the people at large.  The society became secular in their focus and just was living life without consideration for the Lord.  Zephaniah warns that they will one day face judgment.  They will plant expecting to harvest but they will not have anything to eat.  They will build houses only to live as captives in foreign lands and have their homes torn down and burned.  God will not tolerate being ignored.  He wants to be a vital part of all of our lives.  When men begin to act as if He did not exist, He makes His presence known through judgment.  The people of Judah learned this the hard way just as the people on earth today will one day find out that their indifference toward God will bring judgment down upon themselves.


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