Micah 3:1-12
Leadership is vital to the success of any organization and
to the well-being of any nation. Israel
was experiencing a crisis in leadership.
Instead of having leaders that encouraged them in righteousness and punished
evil; the leaders were practicing unrighteousness and persecuting those who
spoke out on behalf of God. Much time
has passed and the names of nations are different but we see very similar
correlations to our world today.
Corruption is wide spread and those who call for repentance and proclaim
the Word of God are ignored, ridiculed and persecuted. Micah’s message warning of God’s coming
judgment is as relevant in today’s world as it was in the day he penned these
Israel were driven to corruption through the abuse of their power. Instead of serving the people and promoting
righteousness; they exploited the people and practiced unrighteousness. The leaders oppressed the people with taxes
in order to make themselves rich. They
were violet towards any who would complain or question their actions. The political leaders treated the people as
if they were animals. They would kill
them and the language makes goes so far as to imply cannibalism. The people were consumed while the leaders
were fat and lazy. God calls us to
practice a servant style of leadership where we help those who are under our
influence and leadership. God’s way is
always the best and most effective way for us to live.
PROPHETS: The priests and prophets were men chosen by God to represent Him
before the people. They were supposed to
speak His Word and live with a trust in the Lord. Unfortunately, the religious leaders were not
any better than the political ones. They
spoke what the people wanted to hear.
They accepted bribes from the people so that the rich would appear to
have God’s approval since they were representing God. The politicians exploited the people and the
prophets were paid to give them approval from God. This cooperation between the leaders was
corruption at its height. God would not
simply stand by and let this happen. The
leaders forgot that their power and position came from God and God is not
fooled. He would come and destroy the
nations and judge the leaders. The
leaders would become slaves and the nations they ruled would become heaps of
rubble. It is a dangerous thing to ignore
the Law of God and exploit the people He has called us to serve.
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