Micah 7:1-20

No matter how bad things may get as far as the sinfulness of man and the ensuing judgments of God; there is always hope.  The source of our hope is not due to the goodness of man or the ability of man to withstand hardship.  Our only source of true hope is found in the fact that God is merciful and forgiving.  God desires to be reconciled with us.  So much so that He was willing to send His Son Jesus to pay the price for our sin.  His love for us is only exceeded by His personal holiness which is why He must exercise justice for sin; but He does so through the sacrifice of His own Son.  Micah closes His book with a look at God’s judgment, restoration and forgiveness.

MICAH PRONOUNCES JUDGMENT ON SIN: As Micah observes the state of His nation, he sees a nation that looks like a harvested field.  There is nothing left.  It appears as if all of the godly men have been harvested from the face of the earth and all that are left are violent, vindictive men who are bent on doing only what is evil.  This perversity goes from the top leaders to the lowest servant.  The princes are perverse.  The judges are corrupt.  The wealthy desire only sin.  The most noble of men are compared to briers.  This type of living will not be tolerated for very long.  God’s judgment will son fall on this nation.  No neighboring nation will be able to rescue them.  Family members will turn on one another as the nation falls from outward attacks and inward corruption.  God may allow sin to fester for many years or even generations but judgment is coming and no nation can stand apart from God’s will.

MICAH PLEADS WITH GOD FOR RESTORATION: Micah declares that His only hope rests in the Lord.  The only hope for any person or nation is to look to the Lord for He hears our prayers.  God will restore those who repent.  Though they may fall far due to the consequences of sin, God promises to shine the light of His love on those who call out to Him.  God may allow us to suffer under the indignation of sin for long periods or even generations but His is faithful and will restore.  God will once again rebuild the nation that has been torn down.  The nations that once were a source of persecution and used as instruments of God’s judgment will eventually come to Israel to learn and admire.  God will shepherd His people once again and make full provision for them as He did when the nation was liberated from Egypt.  All nations will be ashamed of their treatment of God’s people and they too will repent before God with trembling and learn the fear of the Lord.  Living in fear of God is the key to being restored to God.

MICAH PRAISES GOD FOR FORGIVENESS: When God restores there is really nothing more that we can do besides praising Him for His abundant provision in our lives.  He is gracious and kind and through the work of Christ is able to pass over our sins and cover them in the redemption that Jesus paid.  God’s anger over sin brings judgment but He is also compassionate and kind.  He has promised not to remember our sins and to cast them far from us because of what Christ has done.  This is God’s promise for Israel and for every single person who trusts in the Lord Jesus for salvation.  God is faithful and longs to forgive us so that we can have a restored relationship with Him forever.


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