Micah 5:1-15

Micah reveals truths about who Messiah would be and what that would mean for the nation of Israel.  He is writing hundreds of years in advance of the coming of Jesus to the earth but his prophecies are very accurate.  The fulfillment of what the coming of Messiah would mean are still in the process of being fulfilled in some cases.  However, we can be assured that each and every one of them are completely accurate.  God’s Word will always come true in His time.  We may not understand His ways or His timing but all that He does is perfect and will make perfect sense in the end.

WHO JESUS WILL BE: The hope of Messiah had long been awaited by the nation of Israel.  They were expecting a king of royal descent that would deliver them from their enemies.  Micah reveals that Messiah would suffer and be struck by the rod.  This is not what they expected but is exactly what happened.  Messiah would be born in Bethlehem just as the Scriptures revealed happened.  Messiah would be God in the flesh and we are told of how Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit so He was the God/Man.  His would be a shepherd for His people and His greatness would be spread to the end of the earth and He will bring peace.  These are clearly all true about Jesus and are still in the process of coming true as we are tasked with the job of spreading the news of Messiah to every corner of the globe.

WHAT JESUS WILL DO: The Messiah’s coming would have a dramatic impact on the nation of Israel and the entire plant.  Jesus will usher in a time of great blessing for the nation under His provision and care.  He will make Israel to be strong and experience victory over all of the enemies that have gathered against her.  There will no longer be any use for chariots, horses, swords or any other instruments of war because Jesus will bring peace to this earth.  All idolatry and witchcraft will be removed from the nation so that Israel will finally become a beacon of light for all the nations to see how God desires to be worshiped.  The nations who reject Messiah and refuse to submit to His authority will be destroyed and the earth will finally be filled with the glory of the Lord.  Jesus will redeem an eternal throng of men from all nations who will worship God in perfection for all of eternity.  This is the destiny that Messiah has promised so we might as well be busy with this task today.


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