Zephaniah 3:1-20

We have and expression that says: “things will likely get worse before they get better.”  This is often true in time of economic crisis but it is also true in the history of the world as well as God’s eschatological plan.  As we read through all of the prophets they foretell a time of great trials for the nation of Israel, but that time of trial is always followed up with a promise of restoration.  This world will still face much tribulation and God’s judgment will be seen on this planet in a way that we have never seen before.  However, that time of judgment will be followed by a time of blessing and peace that is also far beyond anything that we have ever faced in the past.  Things will get worse, much worse, but then things will get better, much much better!

THE JUDGMENT OF JERUSALEM: A time of judgment is coming upon the nation of Israel and specifically the city of Jerusalem that is catastrophic by nature.  We have seen that this took place in the past at the hands of the Romans, however, that was only a prefiguration of what God has in store for the future of the nation.  Jerusalem and all of Israel will come under great judgment, war and destruction far greater than anything they have seen to this point.  This will happen because the nation has refused to recognize Christ as Messiah and they have been rebellious, proud and unteachable.  God has provided numerous opportunities throughout history but the nation has simply ignored God’s benevolence.  He will get their attention like never before.  The leaders, judges, priests and the people have all rejected God’s instruction so they will be taught through trials since they would not listen to God’s instruction.  It is a very dangerous thing to ignore the instruction of the Lord.

THE RESTORATION OF THE REMNANT: There will be a remnant that survives this judgment and God has a plan for them that is simply extraordinary.  He will use the nation to attract many other nations to Himself.  Because of the testimony of the restored remnant, people from all nations will bow down in worship before the Lord.  They will see God’s power and grace and they will come the city of Jerusalem to worship and praise the great God how has done such marvelous things.  Time and time again throughout history the nation of Israel has come under siege.  There have been numerous attempts to wipe this nation from the face of the earth.  God has always reserved a remnant for Himself and He has always preserved the nation.  A time of even greater judgment and persecution lies ahead but even at that time a remnant will remain and they will be restored in a powerful way.

THE PEACE OF THE PEOPLE: God’s people will one day finally be at peace.  God will live in their midst in the person of Jesus Christ who will return to this earth as King of King and Lord of Lords.  He will establish His reign in Jerusalem but all the nations will be under his rule.  This kingdom will be one of prosperity unlike any time of history.  It will also be a time of peace as has never been seen before.  There will be no war and there will be justice in all of the world.  This contrast between the reign of Satan on the earth, we currently endure; and the future reign of Christ will cause all of us and all nations to fall before the Lord in worship.  He has a wonderful plan for this planet.  Things will get worse but then they will get oh so much better.


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