Nahum 1:1-15

Nineveh was the capital city of Assyria.  Jonah warned the city of God’s impending judgment and they repented.  God spared them from judgment because of their repentance, but it was not very long lived.  Nahum writes about one-hundred years later and the nation appears to have returned back to its old ways as God renews His promise to destroy the city and judge the nation.

NAHUM GIVES A DESCRIPTION OF GOD’S CHARACTER: We learn several lessons about God’s character from Nahum’s description.  God is a jealous God who takes vengeance upon those who are corrupt and rebel against Him.  This is not the picture that we normally think of when we think of God, but it is important that we realize that God is jealous and He will take revenge on the wicked.  God is patient in the exercise of His justice and He will grant much time for people to turn from their wicked ways and follow Him, but His anger will not be delayed forever.  God will condemn the guilty and justify the righteous.  God is in full control of the world as the Sovereign of the universe and nothing will escape from His judgment.  God’s will is not resistible and it is pointless to try to think we can thwart the plans of God.  His plans are always for His eternal glory and for the eternal good of all believers.  As the perfect judge He is able to distinguish between those who trust Him and those who reject Him.  We cannot hide from Him or escape His wrath apart from trusting His Word.

NAHUM WARNS OF DESTRUCTION FROM GOD’S WILL: In light of God’s Character, Nahum now turns his attention to the nation of Nineveh and the coming judgment that God has promised to come on this wicked city.  Nahum promises that Nineveh will be destroyed by a flood.  God has many means of judging this world.  He can do it through natural disasters, illness, famine, war and many other means.  None of these earthly judgments can be compared to the final judgment that God has planned for this world.  The destruction of Nineveh is promised to be complete and permanent.  The city would fall and never be rebuilt again.  Nahum predicts that from this wicked city will arise a very wicked ruler who will bring much pain and disgrace to all who are under his authority.  Assyria was used of God to judge the northern tribes of Israel but God promises to bring deliverance and restoration to His people.  The city of Nineveh will be dead and buried under a heap of God’s wrath.  But God has a promise of Good News in the form of the Gospel that will flow through Israel and to all the nations.


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