John 2:1-25

One of the greatest songs that we used to sing quite often is Trust and Obey. As I read this chapter, that theme jumped into my mind as my take aways from this reading. We go from a wedding feast to a whipping in the temple. Stark contrasts, but in one we learn that we can trust and in the other we learn that we should obey.

TRUST BECAUSE CHRIST HAS ABILITY TO DO MIRACLES: Jesus showed His disciples that He had the power to turn water into wine. John points out that due to this miracle, the disciples believed. Isn't it nice to know that we serve an all mighty, all powerful God. He has the ability to do anything He wants. He may not always do what we want Him to do, but that does not disprove His ability it just reveals that our desires are not what is best for His glory and our eternal good. No matter what comes our way, God is in control and we can trust Him.

OBEY BECAUSE CHRIST HAS HOSTILITY TOWARDS SIN: Jesus hates sin, especially when in involves the name of the father. The money changers were making a mockery of the holy temple and Christ was filled with indignation. He grabbed a whip and drove them out. He has a great zeal for the worship of the Father, as we should have. We must be zealous in our own lives and not become tolerant of sinful thoughts and actions. We must be hostile towards every sin that creeps into our hearts and zealously defend the name of our Father. His holy name is used so flippantly and blasphemed so often in our society, we must not become calloused to this and do all that we can to reverence His great and holy name.


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