Luke 24:1-53

It is so easy to forget things. God's blessings are so great and frequent but we are so forgetful. We have the same problem with God's Word. We have read it and books about it and heard thousands of sermons on it but we still forget it far too easily. It seems the disciples had a similar problem. They had heard Christ tell them dozens of times not only that He would die but that He would rise again, yet when the resurrection happened none of them could believe it. Their desperation and confusion was all because they chose to ignore God's Word. I wonder how much of our difficulties in life come about because we fail to remember God's Word? I would like to look at what the Word of God could have provided many things to the disciples as it can to us.

THE WORD OF GOD GIVES COMFORT: The ladies and all the disciples where in the depths of despair because of the death of Christ. Had they paid attention to and remembered what Christ had said they would have experienced great hope and comfort. We will all face distressing circumstances in our lives, even the death of those who are close to us. If we forget the hope and truth of God's Word we will find ourselves, like the disciples, overwhelmed. But if we will remember that Christ is coming again; that we have an eternity to enjoy Him, one another and joy that is greater than we can even imagine, we will have comfort no matter how difficult our circumstances.

THE WORD OF GOD GIVES UNDERSTANDING: As the disciples were walking on the road they were distressed and confused. When Jesus, without their knowledge, started walking with them, they were so upset by all that had happened. Jesus starts explaining the Scriptures to them and when they recognize who He is they are amazed and admit that their hearts were burning and they finally understood. We will not always understand what is going on in this world but if we will read and remember God's Word it will burn into our hearts and give us an understanding that is beyond the understanding of those who ignore it. If we will faithfully reflect on God's Word it will give us an eternal perspective that will help us to understand the most perplexing problems we face.

THE WORD OF GOD GIVES PURPOSE: The disciples were still doubting and disoriented about what in the world was going on. Christ comes to them and relieves their doubt and rebukes them for their ignorance of what He had taught them. He tells them that their life, from this day forward will take on an entirely different purpose. They went from a depressed and powerless group of men do a band of brothers that changed the world. God's Word gave them a purpose for their lives. We must not be deceived into thinking that we can find a meaningful purpose for our lives out side of God's Word. Wealth, power and recognition will always leave us floundering in futility. Only as we remember the Word of God and live in light of it will we be able to live a life of purpose.


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