Luke 16:1-31

This chapter has a lot to do with money and the dangers that money presents to all of us. It is so easy for us to become enamored with money and what money can provide. This is a real danger that all of us face so we would do well to heed the warnings found in this text.

DON'T BE DECEIVED BY MONEY: The accumulation of money can be very deceptive. Many people presume that because they have been blessed with large sums of money that God is blessing their lives. The truth is that money can often be accumulated by dishonest means. Do not be fooled. There will, one day be and accounting before God and then and only then will it become evident if God was truly blessing our efforts or if our wealth has come from unfaithful pursuits. All of our resources are to be invested in the promotion of the kingdom of God. He has entrusted them to us and we are to manage them on His behalf. Will He find us faithful?

DON'T BE DISTRACTED BY MONEY: The problem with money is that it can become a major distraction from the worship and service of God. It is easy for us to become the servants of our possessions and to allow money, comfort or possessions to become idols in our lives. God will not share His rightful position with anyone or anything. He alone is worth of our worship. We cannot love both God and money. We must not allow ourselves to be distracted by money.

DON'T BE DESTROYED BY MONEY: The rich man came to destruction because of his wealth. He saw Lazarus at his gate everyday and had the means to help him but his greed and prosperity blinded him to his responsibilities to others. This attitude and lace of action led to his demise. He allowed wealth to deceive him and distract him and ultimately it "destroyed" him for all of eternity. Of course he was not literally destroyed, he only wish he could have been. Even in death he wanted Lazarus to suffer in order to bring comfort to him and his family. God's Word is sufficient for the salvation of mankind but those who are comfortable with the riches of this world have a very hard time seeing their need of a savior. This lack of perceived need is what ultimately contributes to their destruction.


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