Luke 11:1-54

Once again, we have a wide variety of teaching on a wide variety of subjects. We will take one at a time and try to glean a few lessons from each.

PRINCIPLES ON PRAYER: The disciples observed the prayer life of Christ and wanted to know how to pray as He did. His response to this request is what has come to be known as the Lord's prayer. Unfortunately, these words have become, for many people and churches, words that have been memorized and mindlessly repeated without considering their meaning. I believe that Jesus intended to instruct the disciples that prayer should include personal requests, the advancement of the kingdom and will of God as well as personal forgiveness. We are usually very good ask asking for bread, but often neglect to pray for God's will to be accomplished on this earth and are even less faithful to ask for and grant forgiveness in our praying. In addition to the content of prayer, Christ taught the importance of persistence and assures us that God is the giver of good gifts to His children. We may not always understand the answers God gives us or the seeming lack of attention He might pay to our requests. Nevertheless, Christ instructs us to continue to pray and to trust in the goodness of God.

DOCTRINES OF DEMONS: Christ was constantly freeing people from the power of demons over their lives. The Pharisees were not happy about the attention that this ministry brought to Christ so they accused Him of doing so through the power of Satan. Christ points out that such activity would be counter productive. Their accusation was tantamount to blasphemy for they were attributing the ministry of God to Satan. Christ then instructs them on the dangers of exercising authority over demons and removing them without filling the void with that which is true. The ministry of Christ was not simply removing demons or releasing men from the grip of sin. He went beyond that to replace the demons with the Spirit of God and to replace sinful behavior with obedience and submission to God's Word. It is always more effective to instruct people on what the Word of God teaches them to do, than to be constantly bombarding them with what it prohibits.

RESPONSIBILITY OF RECEIVING: Christ warns the cities in which He performed many miracles and taught them the truth on many occasions that their judgment would be very severe because of their rejection. Receiving God's Word implies great responsibility and results in stricter judgment. To know God's will and then not obey it is a very dangerous behavior. It is a privilege and an honor to hear, read and know the Word of God, but it must not be taken lightly. Much will be required of those to whom much revelation has been granted. Nineveh was given limited revelation yet repented. Sodom was a city that exemplified moral decadence, yet it's judgment will be less severe because it received only a small amount of God's truth. God hates all sin. However, His hatred of sin burns especially hot, as will the fires of His judgment on those who have heard much of God's Word but continuously reject it. This truth should cause each of us to read our Bibles and listen in church with great attention and reverence along with a steadfast commitment to obey and apply all that we learn.

HINDRANCE OF HYPOCRISY: Christ pronounced repeated "woes" over the religious leaders of His day because they practiced an external religion without regard for internal holiness and a genuine relationship with God. They wanted to pick and choose the laws to obey in accordance with how this behaviour would make them look before men. They cared little about loving God or serving others. As long as they were able to keep up appearances that was all that was important to them. It is easy for us to take comfort in the opinions and praise of men. We can manipulate public opinion by performing the right acts at the right time and in the right place. The problem is that all of this is done for all of the wrong reasons. When we soothe our consciences by taking pleasure in public performance we, in truth, are practicing hypocrisy and are displeasing to God. We must never be satisfied with external conformation to human standards but must strive for internal consecration to the Word and will of God.


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