Luke 14:1-35

Wherever Jesus went and whomever He was with, He was always teaching. He wanted to give all around Him divine perspective on the day to day issues as they presented themselves. It is easy for us to get caught up in our own agendas and we tend to see things from what we consider to be a logical world view. The problem is that things look very different when viewed through divine lenses. Today we will see to see God's perceptive on several issues of life.

LOVE AND LAW: Christ was constantly confronted with the Sabbath laws by the religious leaders. Their idea was that keeping the law of the Sabbath was more important that the principle of love. Christ repeatedly tried to show all who would listen that the Law was all summed up in one word: "LOVE." It is usually easier for us to keep a list of rules that we convince ourselves to be important to God than it is for us to consistently love ALL those who are around us. God's perspective is that we obey the law of love.

HUMILITY AND HOSPITALITY: Christ was at a dinner party and took advantage of what he saw to teach about humility. By nature, we all consider our own wants and desires first. Unfortunately we are all born with a great preoccupation for self interest and self promotion. Christ advises us to fight that instinct with tooth and nail. When we are invited, we should consider all of the other guests as more important than ourselves. We we are inviting guests we should not consider how this invitation might improve my position or bring me benefits. As a host I should seek to bless those who genuinely need help and have no ability to return the favor, for in so doing, I will gain favor with God.

WORSHIP AND WORK: The issue with the banquette and the invited guests that could not come, in reality, was an issue of worship. God wanted them to honor Him and come to enjoy all that He had prepared for them. They were all wrapped up in the own worlds and their own work. It is not that what they had filled their time with was sin. They were all legitimate activities. The problem was is that they made these things their priorities above the obedience of God and their desire to worship Him. Satan does not always tempt us with sinful activities, he often simply distracts us from the priority of worshiping God with work and other activities that fill our time and gradually our hearts grow cold. God's kingdom will be filled with people who are sinners that have a desperate desire to be forgiven that they might bask in the presence of God and worship at His feet.

DEVOTION AND DIVISION: Following Christ is not to be taken lightly. It will cost us everything and affect every relationship. Christ wants His followers to love deeply, but the first object of their affection must be reserved for God and God alone. I believe that we will do well as we follow Christ if we recognize that it will involve carrying a cross but that we then compare that cross with the eternal glory that is promised to those who believe. The Bible constantly calls us to view our sufferings in light of the eternal. It may be hard to leave family and many other comforts as we follow Christ, but it will be very much worth it all when we reach heaven's shore. May we always remember to count the cost as well as look forward to the rewards of discipleship.


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