Luke 23:1-56

I can never read these final chapters of the Gospels without crying. I know what is coming, but the crucifixion of Christ just pricks so many conflicting emotions. Everything is just so wrong but at the same time I am overwhelmed with gratitude because I know that His suffering was on my behalf. He didn't deserve death and I don't deserve life but thanks to His death I can have eternal life. These are a couple of the emotions that hit me as I read this painful and blessed account once again.

ANGERED BY WEAKNESS: Pilate and Herod both knew that Jesus was innocent and both of them want to release Jesus but they are too weak to stand up for what they know to be true. The religious leaders make up lies about Christ and Pilate knows it. Everyone knows the truth but no one is willing to act on it. These leaders are corrupt people pleasers with no back bone. They capitulate to the whims of the crowd and are controlled by their own desire to be popular. I don't think that I will ever understand how God permits certain leaders to hold their positions. But, if ever there were an illustration of God using corrupt and weak leaders for His own purposes, this is it.

AMAZED BY FORGIVENESS: I cannot imagine the kind of grace that would look down on those who have just driven nails through His hands and feet, then hung him up to die, and then cry out for God to forgive them. I cannot fathom the forgiveness of Christ. From the cross He extends forgiveness to His torturers, to the thief that was dying on the cross next to Him. Even the centurion who participated in the very act apparently repents and experiences the amazing forgiveness of Christ. I don't understand this but I am so thankful for it. My sin is every bit as hideous as all the forgiven in this passage and He has forgiven me too. I don't know why I am the beneficiary of such grace and it will never cease to amaze me.


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