John 4:1-54

Most of this chapter is about the Samaritan woman at the well and her encounter with Jesus. It is a fantastic example of evangelism from which we all can learn. There are several different angles from which to look at this passage, so as I thought about each character in the chapter several different ideas popped into my mind.
JESUS: Christ started the encounter by conversing with the Samaritan woman. This is significant because most Jews would not do such a thing. Too often, we as believers are not in the habit of conversing with the unbelievers around us. If we are going to impact the world around us, we need to interact with them. Next, Christ starting confronting her with her sin. There comes a point in every conversation that we must confront unbelievers with their sinful condition. It is difficult and risky to do, but it is the kindest things that we can ever do for them. Finally, Christ started convincing her of the the truth of who He was and how she must come to God. The only hope for the world is that they might learn the truth, and we have the truth. It is our job to proclaim the truth of the Gospel of Christ to the nations of the world.
THE WOMAN: This woman was transformed by her encounter with Christ. The reason this happened was that she was receptive. There are many moments in each of our lives when we are confronted with some teaching from God's Word. Whether or not it will transform us will depend on how receptive we are to that teaching. Are we open to learn or do we think that we already have all of the answers. Besides being receptive, she was repentant. When she was confronted with her sin and the fact that God knew about all that she did, she wanted to know how she could be rightly related to and worship God. When Christ reveled the truth to her she was responsive to the teaching and allowed it to transform her life. I wonder if I am so responsive when confronted by God's Word with areas of sin in my own life?
THE SAMARITANS: The woman ran from the well back to the people of her city to tell them that she had found Messiah. They listened. It is amazing to me that they listened, but there must have been something in the way she talked that convinced them. She overcame her sorted reputation and didn't care about what the others might think and told them the truth she had learned. They left. They too felt their need and got up in the middle of their day to go out and meet Christ. When we recognize that we have needs we will go after the truth with all of our hearts. Unfortunately, far too often, we do not recognize our needs or we are not desperate enough for the change that we need. They listened. When they met Christ, they paid attention to Him and recognized Him as the Christ. In a few weeks we will be in the book of Acts and we will see that there was a huge spiritual revival in Samaria. I believe the seeds to that revival were planted by a sinful woman and the Son of God at this well.
THE OFFICIAL: This is a different story in a different setting but I will treat it the same way. First I notice that he took his problem to Jesus. He had heard of Christ and decided that he wanted to take his situation to Christ. How often to we try to handle our problems on our own before we seek Christ is His Word and in prayer. I know that when I do that, I usually end up with a mess. Second, he trusted the word of Jesus. He did not see Jesus do anything, but, at the Word of Christ he believed and went home to see his loved one. Finally, he told others about Jesus. When the healing was verified, he was faithful to tell others of his encounter with Christ and he and all of his house believed in Christ as a result of it. We need to learn to take our problems to Christ, trust His answers and then be faithful to tell all who will listen of the wondrous acts of our Lord.


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