John 5:1-47

To be very honest, I have no idea what was going on at the pool of water that was able to heal the first person to jump in the water after it was "stirred." These are good questions to save up for heaven. What we do see is Christ demonstrating His power to heal and His clear declaration of His own deity.
THE COMPASSION OF CHRIST: When Christ saw this disabled man, He was moved with compassion and healed him. After 38 years of pain and suffering the man was made whole and could walk. Jesus loves people and is able to meet their needs. He has great compassion on all of us and I am so thankful for it.
THE CYNICISM OF THE PHARISEES: These legalistic men see a man who has not walked in almost four decades carrying his pallet and their biggest concern is that he is working on the sabbath. Instead of rejoicing in the miracle that Christ has performed they are critical and wrapped up in the laws they are so adept at hiding behind. May God protect us from such cold heartedness.
THE REVELATION OF CHRIST'S DEITY: Christ clearly states the He is from God, is submissive to God yet in every way equal to God. He proves this by His deeds but also through the writings of Moses and the testimony of John. We must affirm, hold to and defend the deity of Christ with all of our being. He is God and is deserving of our worship.
THE REJECTION OF CHRIST'S AUTHORITY: The Pharisees see Christ's declaration as blasphemy, which it would have been, were it not true. They were blinded by their preconceived notions of how they thought Messiah would be. The looked past His miraculous acts, the prophesies of the Old Testament and the teaching of Christ because Jesus did not fit their ideas. May we never be so blinded by our own wills that we cannot see the revelation of God and His will as seen in His Word.


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