Luke 17:1-37

This chapter does not seem to have one major theme that can tie it all together, but does treat some very vital subjects that all of us would do very well to remember and practice. In fact I believe that if we would comprehend these truths and live in light of them, they would resolve most, if not all, of our relational problems.

FORGIVENESS IN CHRIST IS AN ACT OF OBEDIENCE: Christ's teaching on forgiveness in startling both to His disciples and to us. His teaching is not hard to understand, it is just hard to practice. The principle is this, we must forgive those who, in repentance, ask us to even for repeat offenses. It is not up to us to judge whether the person is truly repentant or not, we are called to take our brother at his word and forgive him and this forgiveness is limitless. As Christians we forgive this way because that is the way that we have been forgiven. There is never a reason to hold a grudge, develop bitterness or seek vengeance for offenses against us. God calls us to forgive every time someone repents and asks us to. The disciples say what we might say: "increase our faith." Christ responds by telling two parables about how powerful a little faith can be and about an obedient servant. These parables seem random, but I don't think that they are. I believe that Christ was telling us that forgiveness does not require huge amounts of faith but that it is really a matter of obedience. We must forgive one another, not because we feel like it and not even because we have great faith but because God commands us to and we are called to obey Him.

GRATEFULNESS TO CHRIST IS AN ACT OF WORSHIP: The ten leapers were all equally desirous of healing but they were not all equally grateful. Only one of the ten came back to thank Jesus. His gratitude was an act of worship. He recognized the greatness of Christ and simply had not come back and kneel at the feet of One so great. The others likely were filled with joy and immediately made plans on how to spend their new found freedom on getting together with their family again or whatever. But this man knew that there could be nothing more important than worshiping at the feet of Christ. How often to we pause to worship at the feet of Christ for the many blessings with which He showers us each day. Gratitude is the kind of worship that the Lord desires to see in us.

THE RETURN OF CHRIST IS AN ACT OF JUDGEMENT: The return of Christ is an event that will be far different that His first coming. It is an event to which every believer should look forward and an event that every unbeliever should dread. There has always been and always will be a lot of curiosity about this event. Unfortunately, there are many who have been made to look foolish by trying to predict His coming or equate it with events that happen on earth. As I write this, there are wars breaking out all over the middle east and north Africa. Japan has just had a massive earthquake and nuclear reactors are spewing contaminated smoke into the air. These types of disasters have happened in the past and caused many to try to set dates or say that the return of Christ is just around the corner. I hope that the rapture happens before I end this blog, but I don't believe that current events should be the means we use to try to predict when it will happen. Christ reveals three things about His return in this text. First it will be obvious, there will be no doubt about when it happens it will be clear for the entire world to see. Second, it will be disastrous, like the flood and the judgment of Sodom, it will be catastrophic. Third it will be spontaneous, it will come at a time that is completely unexpected. People will be surprised in all different settings. Christ is coming and in may be very soon, until then we must work to be found faithful whenever His coming may be.


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