1 Corinthians 11:1-34

God has created this world with an amazing order that is evident in all of creation.  He also desires that His church operate according to the order that He has revealed.  The instructions  of this chapter are designed to help us operate within the church in a way that pleases Him.

ORDER IN LEADERSHIP AND SUBMISSION: God has set an order of male leadership within the church.  This order is not because men are superior to women in value or even more important in function.  He has established this rule of leadership so that the church could function efficiently and accurately reflect His glory.  In light of this standard Paul instructed women to cover their head in church as a symbol of submission to authority and for men to keep their hair cut short as a sign of their leadership.  I don't think that coverings and hair length are the key issues, but I do believe that male leadership is vital to the church and her purpose to honor God in this world.  No matter how archaic modern society might consider male leadership to be, God has clearly established this order in the church and I believe He expects us to follow it.

ORDER IN THE LORD'S SUPPER: The church in Corinth seems to have turned the Lord's supper into big party in which those who ate acted selfishly.  This was completely unacceptable.  Paul teaches us that the Lord's supper is for the purpose of remembering the Lord's death, announcing the Lord's return, and examining our own lives.  It is of great importance to the Lord that we reflect upon His death and all that it means to us.  The death of Christ is central to the church.  However, no matter how central it seems, it is so easy for us, as humans, to forget.  As time goes by, we have the tendency to let even great events slip from prominence in our minds.  Just ask any guy who forgot his wedding anniversary.  When we take the Lord's supper, we must remember and reflect with gratitude on Christ's sacrifice for us.  As we do this we are proclaiming to all who are present that Christ is our only hope of salvation.  For this reason, we examine our lives to make sure that we are honoring Christ, who died for us with our lives.  We must not be flippant in this but take the Lord's supper with reverence. 


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