1 Corinthians 15:1-58

This is one of the most important chapters in all of Scripture because is clearly defends both the resurrection of Christ and the believer's resurrection.  These are vital truths to every child of God and are a part of the foundation on which our faith rests.

THE RESURRECTION IS CENTRAL TO THE GOSPEL: The Gospel of Christ is a very simple thing.  Christ died, was buried and rose again.  His death paid the price of sin and His resurrection is proof that God was satisfied with this payment.  As long as Christ was in the tomb the forgiveness of sin could have been logically question for the payment of sin (death) was still being paid.  However, when God rose Christ from the grave it was His declaration that sin no longer had any claims to make for the full price was paid.  Failure to believe in the resurrection is failure to believe the Gospel.  The resurrection is the GOOD NEWS for all who believe.

THE RESURRECTION IS OUR SOURCE OF HOPE: Since Christ, who bore all of our sin on the cross, has been raised from the dead, we have every assurance that we who have trusted Christ will also rise from the grave.  This is the message that we believe and that which we can proclaim to every man.  There is hope for all of us because death is not the end.  Christ has risen and we too will rise not in some sort of incarnation but we will rise as ourselves in sinless perfect bodies that will live in the presence of God for all eternity.  We do not need to fear but can live with abundant hope in the provision of God for us.

THE RESURRECTION WILL BRING PERMANENT TRANSFORMATION: We will come back far different and far better than we went to the grave.  Like a seed that goes in the ground, so are our bodies when they go in the grave.  Like a plant that sprouts and grows full of life and vigor, so are our bodies in the resurrection.  However, these "plants" will never die.  They will bear fruit for the the glory of God for all of eternity.  This is the reality to which we can look forward with eager anticipation.  We will be changed and the new "model" will be far superior to these clunkers we walk around in today. 

THE RESURRECTION OCCURS AT CHRIST'S RETURN: This event is so exciting that we cannot help but wonder when it will be.  Paul makes it clear that this will happen at the coming of Christ.  We don't know when this will take place, but what a wonderful day that is going to be.  God will step into the history of this world and put an end to all of the strife and sin that we struggle with today and He will introduce our new and eternal lives.  Oh what a glorious day that will be!


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