Romans 13:1-14

There is a certain code of conduct by which members of a family are expected to walk.  Being members of the family of God is no exception.  The family traits are to be unmistakable evidences that we are rightly related to God.  It affects the way we think, the way we talk and the way we walk.
WALK IN SUBMISSION TO AUTHORITY: We may not like the political leaders under which we are required to live.  However, no matter how ungodly these men and women may seem, the Bible clearly states that they have been appointed to their position by God.  We may think that we elect our own official, but the truth is that there is only one vote in the universe and it belongs to God.  As such, we are called by God to submit to their authority.  There may be times where these authorities prohibit what God commands or command what God prohibits, where we are called to suffer the consequences of disobeying human authority in order to obey God’s; but apart from those exceptions, God calls us to submit.  This submission involves more than just abiding by laws; it also includes the paying of taxes and treating with respect and honor.  Christians should be above reproach in the way that we file our taxes.  We cannot cheat the government and then excuse it by saying that we did so in order to be able to support missions.  We also must refrain from making disrespectful remarks about our leaders.  We are to honor them.  We may not agree with their policies and we are certainly free to voice our disagreements, but we must do so with respect and honor.  Off color jokes and name calling about our leaders should have no place on the believer’s tongue.
WALK IN LOVE TO OTHERS: Jesus made love the central focus of His message and Paul is following that same path.  We all have a debt of love that has been showered on us by God through Christ.  It is a debt that will never be repaid as long as we live, but God asks us to make installments on that debt by demonstrating love to one another.  All of the Law is fulfilled by this simple command that we love God and others.  It is easy enough to understand, but much more complicated to do.  We naturally love ourselves, but God has called us to walk each day and live each moment as a demonstration of God’s love to all who He places in our path.
WALK IN PURITY TO GOD: The end of our lives and the history of the earth as we know it is close at hand.  There is nothing that stands between us and eternity.  The history of this planet is dangling by a very thin thread that could snap at moment’s notice.  When that happens we will stand before Christ and the way we have walked will be judged by Him.  In light of that truth, we are called to put off the deeds and desires of the flesh and put on the life and love of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Our lusts and our flesh may cry out for satisfaction, but God calls us to deny those desires and have a passion for purity that proceeds out of our relationship with Him.  We all know what it means to walk properly and live in purity in our thought, word and deed.  God simply calls us to honor Him by living according to these standards that the Spirit of God has written on our hearts as believers in Him.


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