Romans 15:1-33

God calls us to be a people who focus on others as opposed to just thinking about ourselves.  Selfishness in bound up in each of our hearts, but we are called in this passage to step away from this sinful practice and turn our attention to others.

PREFER THE WEAKNESSES OF OTHERS: Paul continues his teaching from the previous chapter on how to deal with those who may be sensitive to certain practices.  The standard of Scripture is simple enough to understand, we are to prefer others over ourselves and to be especially considerate of those who might be weak in the faith.  Liberty should never be flaunted, rather we should be extra careful to make sure that we do not offend or cause others to stumble.

PRAISE THE LORD WITH OTHERS: Christ has given us an abiding hope through the teaching of Scripture and that gives us great motives to glorify God with all the saints.  Jews and Gentiles who have trusted Christ are called to join their voices in praise to the Lord.  Worship ought to be the passion of our hearts and the constant practice of every believer.  God brings those who had no knowledge of Him into a place where they know Him and have the privilege of praising His name.  When we come together as believers we must avoid the temptation of complaining, arguing, gossiping or even talking of the trivial.  We gather for the purpose of worshiping our Lord together.

PREACH THE GOSPEL TO OTHERS: Paul recognizes that God has transformed the lives of his readers through the message of Christ.  It is amazing to see Paul telling them that they are full of goodness because of what Christ has done, they hare transformed and now useful to help and encourage one another.  Preaching the life transforming message of Christ is the greatest privilege that any man can have.  God empowers His children to accomplish this task just as He had equipped Paul to take the Gospel to the Gentiles.  He has all the power He needs, but He looks for people like us to be available to Him.  His purpose in this transformation process is that we might take the Gospel to those who have never heard.  This must be the priority of every believer; that we might participate in the spread of the message of Christ to the ends of the earth.

PROVIDE THE NEEDS OF OTHERS: Paul was taking an offering to Jerusalem from the Gentile believers.  This type of generosity is at the heart of what we believe.  God calls us to contribute to the needs of others and care about people that we have never nor may ever see this side of eternity.  We are bound as brothers and sisters to millions of believers that we do not know but they are members of our family none the less.  For that reason we give to them when we know of their needs and we pray diligently for them that God might provide for them and protect them.  In essence we care enough to give of our time and efforts in prayer and to give of our resources to help them in their times of need without any hope of receiving in return.  This heart of generosity and care ought to permeate the lives of every follower of Christ.


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