Romans 11:1-36

Since Israel has rejected Christ, some would argue that the promises made to the nation Israel have been lost and that they are now without hope.  However, Paul argues against this thinking by demonstrating that God still has a plan for His chosen nation.  Paul makes three compelling arguments that outline the reason for Israel’s hope.
ISRAEL’S REJECTION IS PARTIAL: Paul uses himself to prove this point that not all of Israel has turned from God and lost His favor, because Paul is a Jew and yet was saved by God’s grace through faith.  Paul then reminds us that in every generation God has always maintained a remnant of His people who are faithful to the truth.   Even in the days of Israel’s darkest idolatry, there was a remnant that walked in the fear of the Lord.  The same remains true today.  There are many Messianic Jews who have recognized that Christ is the Messiah and they have been justified by placing their faith in Him.  It should be comfort for us to know that we will never be alone as believers; God will always rise up a group of believers where we can find fellowship and refuge in times of trouble.  The Body of Christ is alive and well on the planet earth.
ISRAEL’S REJECTION IS PASSING: The current religious state of the nation Israel is not a permanent.  Paul warns the Gentiles not to become proud in their standing, for just as the Jews were cut off from God’s favor that the Gentiles might be grafted it; one day God will cut off His favor from the Gentile nations so that the nation of Israel might be grafted back in as God’s favored people.  In fact the promise of this and other passages is that the entire nation of Israel will, at some point in the future, all turn to Christ and be saved.  They will recognize their error, repent and turn to Christ for salvation.  All of God’s promises will come true.  God is always faithful to His Word.  When we are unfaithful He may discipline us back into the path of faithfulness so that He can bring about the fulfillment of His promises, but God’s Word will not fail.  In that truth we can rest.
ISRAEL’S REJECTION IS PURPOSFUL: God has a special purpose in His plan for the nation Israel.  He even used their rejection of Christ as a means of bringing His favor and salvation to many Gentile nations.  However, if their rejection of truth was used to bring about blessing; imagine how much their obedience to God’s truth will be used.  God chose Abraham so that through him all of the nations of the world could be blessed.  When Israel turns to Christ, which I believe will be in the tribulation period, there will be 144,000 Jewish believers that go out as missionaries to proclaim the Gospel to all the nations.  God has a wonderful purpose for the future of Israel and one day all men and nations will rise up and glorify God as they marvel at His amazing work amongst the nations that is brought about by God’s chosen people.  God’s glory is great and marvelous and one day Israel will brilliantly display this for allthe world to see.


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