1 Corinthians 7:1-40

Marriage is wonderful gift given to us by God.  However, like most of God's gifts, Satan has done all that he can to destroy or pollute this gift.  Paul gives us some very important basic principles about marriage that will help us enjoy God's gift to the fullest.

THE PRIVILEGE OF SEX IN MARRIAGE: This gift from God has been brutally attacked in many different ways.  Prior to marriage, today's society has made sex out to be the most vital part of the relationship.  God says that the physical relationship is to be preserved until marriage, yet the very thought of abstinence in today's world is thought of as almost a joke.  This effectively destroys God's purpose in this precious gift as it treats it as common or cheap.  After marriage, far too often, this gift is treated as if it were impure or even as a weapon to be used or withheld as a tool of manipulation within marriage.  God has given this gift within marriage to be enjoyed freely with as much frequency as either spouse desires.  This both honors God as He observes us enjoying the gift He has given in the proper way and prevents perversions of the gift outside of the marriage relationship.  The unmarried are called to refrain from the use of this gift in anticipation of marriage.  The married are called to rejoice in this gift in adoration of our glorious God.

THE PRIORITY OF STAYING IN MARRIAGE: Perhaps the greatest attack of Satan on marriage has been waged on the battlefield of divorce.  Marriage, by definition, is a commitment.  No matter what the circumstances may be, God's plan for marriage is permanence.  All of us who are married, are married to sinners as are our spouses.  We will sin in marriage and may even find ourselves in a situation where we are married to an unbeliever due to a post marriage conversion or deceit on the part of an unbeliever who masquerades as a believer prior to marriage.  No matter what situation with which we might be faced, God calls us to honor Him by pursuing peace and permanence in marriage.  In the case of sin within marriage, God calls us to mirror His gracious forgiveness.  In the case of marriage to an unbeliever, God calls us to endure and honor Him by demonstrating God's unconditional love.  When believer take what looks like the easy way out in divorce, they not only destroy the opportunity to honor God through our marriage, they also usually end up being more miserable than before.

THE POSSIBILITY OF SINGLENESS OVER MARRIAGE: Paul's advice when it comes to marriage is to seriously consider staying single in order to be able to devote undivided attention to the cause of Christ.  However, Paul know that this is not for everyone because of the temptations that are associated with the physical relationship and abstaining from that.  In which case, it is much better to marry.  What we need to recognize is that God's glory and the expanse of the kingdom must be our priority.  If marriage will better equip us and protect us so that we can be more effective for service than we should seek marriage.  In the same way, if being single will afford us greater opportunity to dedicate our lives to the advance of the Gospel, than we need to be faithful to God and and devote our undivided attention to spreading the fame of Christ.  I believe that there are tasks within ministry that are far more suited to single men and women.  It is unfortunate that many with in the culture and context of the church view those who are single as abnormal and therefor ineffective or unqualified for ministry.  Paul says that just the opposite is true.


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