Romans 16:1-27

The ministry is always about people.  It is amazing how many people that Paul mentions by name in a church that he had never visited.  Obviously many people had moved to Rome from other places where they had met Paul.  Even still, I am very impressed with how well Paul stayed connected with all of these people without such things as e-mail, skype and telephones.  In a day when travel and communication was MUCH more limited than ours, Paul managed to have a truly global impact.  As we close this marvelous book, just a couple of thoughts come to mind.

THE PRIVILEGE OF PARTNERSHIPS: Two things stand out to me in this long list of names.  First of all I am impressed with the fact that Paul recognized his need of partnerships in ministry.  He was not a "lone ranger" missionary.  He worked with many people in many places.  He depended on them and he invested in their lives.  Second, I am curious to know more about so many of these people that we have never heard of before this chapter.  There are many "unsung" heroes of the faith that will be joining us in heaven.  What a joy it will be to fellowship with these brothers and sisters in Christ for all of eternity.  We too have many opportunities to participate in the ministries of other people, we must be constantly looking for partnerships that will be a mutual blessing and a great contribution to the cause of Christ.

THE PRIORITY OF PERSEVERANCE: Paul closes his message to Rome with an admonition to be careful of those who cause divisions and their evil intentions.  The truth as well as the unity of the body of Christ will constantly come under attack, it is precisely for that reason that we need to persevere in preserving the truth as well as our own unity as a body of Christ.  God calls us to be wise and innocent and He promises His peace if we will be persistent in obeying the Lord as we walk in this world.  God has given us great blessings in Christ the least we can do is walk in obedience to Him and as a result we will experience even greater blessings as we realize our purpose of living for the glory of God.


  1. Yay for Romans! You know I never even thought about the fact that in all those greet so-and-so's that that indicated Paul partnerships and connections to those he ministered too! Cool hows there's always a little something to get out of every passage. (also you now know how dreadfully behind I am *sad face* )


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