1 Corinthians 6:1-20

The Gospel is a life transforming message that ought to have a radical effect on every aspect of our being.  All of our relationships, reactions and our behavior ought to be impacted by the Spirit of God and should make us far different than we were before as well as make us stand out in the world. 

BELIEVERS ARE TO BE SUBMISSIVE TO THE SAINTS: When we have disputes with other believers, and it is very likely that we will, we must not resort to opening lawsuits against our brother in Christ.  As brothers we ought to be able to resolve our conflicts with one another.  When that is not possible, we are to take the dispute to other mature believers who can help us come to agreement.  As believers we must be submissive to the authority of the leaders that God has placed over us in the church.  We may not always understand or agree with their decisions, but that does not give us an excuse to take our dispute to the secular courts.  It would be far better for us to suffer loss as opposed to dragging the name of Christ through the mud over our petty disputes and some money.  We must keep these things in an eternal perspective.  Getting all bent out of shape over things of this earth is hardly worth the loss of eternal rewards that these attitudes will cause.

BELIEVERS ARE TO BE SEPARATED FROM SIN: Paul lists a long list of sins that exclude men from fellowship with God.  He then says one of the most hopeful things in all of Scripture: "such WERE some of you."  Notice the past tense.  The Spirit of God had applied the blood of Christ and not only washed them clean but also set them free from the power of these sins.  Many Corinthian believers had experienced that transforming work of the Spirit of God through the Gospel.  No matter what sin might tempt our souls, we can be assured that God has the power at His disposal to set us free.  In light of that truth, we ought never to consider that we have permission to use our bodies for sinful purposes.  Our bodies are under the domain of the Spirit of God and must not be used for the purpose of sin.  We must be zealous for the purity of our bodies and keep them separate from sin.  This is the power that God makes available to every believer and He expects us to use it.


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