1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Priorities are vitally important in every aspect of life.  Every organization or ministry must have a clear understanding of their purpose and priorities in order to be successful.  When we consider our own lives, what should we, as Christians, consider to be the quality that we most need to develop in our lives?  God's answer to the question is LOVE!

THE PRIORITY OF LOVE DEFENDED: Paul shows us that love is a greater priority than exercising his spiritual gifts or making great financial or physical sacrifices.  Once again, it is important for us to understand, as believer, that God cares more about who we are than the things we do.  We have a tendency to be task oriented and we measure our success by the number of our accomplishments.  Certainly, God wants us to be productive in our ministries and exercise our spiritual gifts, but all of these accomplishments and sacrifices are eternally counted as little more than wood, hay, and stubble if they are not done out of love.  Paul says that loveless sacrifice and service results in no "profit."  I believe that Paul is making reference to eternal rewards in this statement.  If we expect to enjoy eternal rewards as a result of our service and sacrifice for the Lord, it is of vital importance that we prioritize love for God and others in our walk with God.

THE PERFECTION OF LOVE DESCRIBED: Some may say that they are not sure what love is or how it looks because they have not experienced love in their family or other relationships.  Believers do not have that excuse because they have experienced the love of Christ.  However, Paul gives us a 15 point description of love.  Basically, we see that love is considerate in that it puts others ahead of self.  It is humble as it seeks to lift others above self.  It is holy because it seeks the purity of the relationship as it discourages sin.  It is also forgiving as it recognizes that all of our objects of love on earth are imperfect and will sin against us.  If we will simply practice these characteristics in our relationships, not only will we have much healthier relationships, but we will gain eternal rewards.

THE PERMANENCE OF LOVE DECLARED: The priority of love is permanent in that it will never cease even in eternity.  Most of our spiritual gifts and disciplines will be unnecessary when we reach heaven.  However, love will continue on for all of this life an the next.  God is at work to perfect us now in preparation for the reality He has planned for our future.  Love will be a big part of our future so it should be a big part of our present.  As we grow in our maturity in this life, God wants us to grow in our love for other and God.  This is a permanent goal in the life of every believer.  As we grow older, we can measure our maturity in Christ be the love that we demonstrate.  God calls us to have a love for the lost, a love for our brothers in Christ, and a love for Him.  This should be our permanent pursuit as long as we live, and I believe that our love for God and one another will continue to grow for all of eternity.


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