Exodus 1:1-22

Desperate times call for desperate measures.  As we open this new book of the Old Testament, we find the children of Israel facing very desperate times.  Generations have passed and the provision of deliverance through Joseph has long been forgotten.  Pharaoh begins to respond to Israel in fear and tries desperately to destroy the nation.  But no matter how hard he tries to attack the new nation; God shows up to provide deliverance.  We can always rest in the ability of God to accomplish His will no matter how desperate our times may become.
THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL ARE PROSPEROUS IN ADVERSITY: Pharaoh fears the size and power of the family of Israel.  They started out as seventy immigrants from the land of Canaan, but through the generations God multiplied their numbers exceedingly to the point that they outnumbered the Egyptians.  The solution to this problem was to make them into slaves in order to keep them from considering rebellion and to make use of the labor to build the Egyptian empire.  The thought was that as slaves they would lose their identity as a people, become discouraged and stop producing so many children that would only become slaves anyway.  Satan tries to do everything he can to make us lose hope.  He is determined to discourage us and enslave us in sin.  But in the midst of this despair; God is still on the throne and is still able to accomplish His will no matter how difficult things may appear.  No matter how hard the children of Israel are oppressed, they continue to multiply and only seem to be strengthened by adversity.  As believers, we experience this same principle over and over again.  When we face suffering and trials that Satan intends to use to discourage us; God uses them to make us stronger.
THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL ARE PROTECTED FROM ASSASSINATION: Since slavery does not seem to work to discourage the children of Israel; Pharaoh now turns to plan B which is destruction.  The idea is to kill every male child born to the children of Israel.  In time this plan would bring about the destruction of the people and force them to be assimilated into the Egyptian culture.  This same tactic has been used by Satan ever since Cain killed Able because Able was obedient to God.  Discouragement and destruction are the tactics that Satan is constantly trying to use in order to thwart the plan and will of God on this earth.  Satan has not been very successful.  God has always been faithful to deliver His people.  In this case the midwives who were charged with killing these babies refused to obey the command and did not kill the baby boys.  This act of defiance could have cost them their lives; but instead these brave women became very prosperous.  Once again, in the face of desperation; God shows up.  No matter how fierce the attacks of Satan may become; we can trust in God’s deliverance.  We may face the most desperate of times on this sin cursed earth, but God is still in control and in the end His will always prevails.


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