Genesis 44:1-34

Joseph has eaten with his brothers, spent time with them and learned that his father is still alive.  He has seen that his brothers have grown up and matured through the years.  However, in the back of his mind there must have remained a doubt as to how genuine these changes really were.  This chapter gives us some key insights into the way that these men had changed with time.
JOSEPH PUTS HIS BROTHER TO THE TEST: Joseph was well aware of the fact that his brothers’ hatred of him was due, in part, to the favoritism that his father had showed him.  Joseph would also know that his father would now treat Benjamin with this same favor.  When Benjamin did not come on the first visit he must have thought that his brothers had done to Benjamin what they had done to him.  Now on the second visit Benjamin is with them so he shows him special favor but then he frames him with the stealing of his cup.  Joseph wanted to single Benjamin out and give his brothers every excuse to abandon Benjamin just like they had sold Joseph.  When the brothers are accused of stealing they offer to kill the guilty person and all serve as slaves.  When Benjamin is found with the cup; the official tells the rest that they may go free and only takes Benjamin as a slave.  The brothers had every excuse and opportunity to leave Benjamin and this time would have been able to report to their father with honesty that Benjamin had stolen and was paying for his crime.  They do not take this opportunity.  Instead they tear their clothes in sorrow and all return to face Joseph and plead for their brother.  They had obviously learned to deal with their father’s favoritism and truly seem to care for their brother and especially for their father.
JUDAH PLEADS TO TAKE HIS BROTHERS PLACE:  All of the brothers appear before Joseph and they plead with him to have mercy on Benjamin.  Judah, who had taken responsibility for Benjamin explains to Joseph how much his father loves Benjamin and how it would kill him with sorrow to lose him.  Judah pleads for the opportunity to be sold into slavery in Benjamin’s place.  This is obviously a far different person from the one who thought of selling Joseph into slavery a couple decades back.  It is a comfort to know that people do change and grow.  It may take time and a lot of mistakes, but growth and maturity can occur in the lives of people.  God is in the business of changing lives.  There may be some sin or aspect of our personality or even a broken relationship about which we have lost hope.  If we are true believers there is always hope, for God has all the power of the universe at His disposal to transform our hearts and souls to be for His honor and glory.  This is possible because Christ has taken the punishment we deserved and transferred to us His own righteousness.  Just as Judah wants to take Benjamin’s place, Christ has taken our place on the cross.  Because of this truth, we all have hope.


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