Exodus 3:1-22

The plans of God rarely make sense to the mind of man.  When Moses was living in Egypt, he would have, more than likely, responded to an invitation from God to free the nation of Israel with great confidence.  However, over the last forty years he has been living in fear over the murder he committed and has become satisfied with his life as a shepherd for his father-in-law.  His self-assurance is gone and all he can see are the road blocks that will thwart God’s plan.  God needed to teach Moses humility before He could use him.  God is not looking for people who will trust in their own abilities but He is looking for people who recognize their own brokenness before God and will be willing to trust Him to do what He is calling them to do.

GOD APPEARS TO MOSES: Moses had accepted the fact that he would live his life as a shepherd.  His dreams of grandeur from his years in the palace have faded away and he has settled into the routine of life.  He probably shakes his head at his foolishness and pride as a young man who thought that he had it all together.  God steps into the routine of this new life and shakes things up.  When Moses thought that he was capable he only made a mess of things.  Now that Moses sees himself as incapable, God reveals Himself to him.  I think that humility is an essential qualification that God looks for in His leaders.  That is why they are called servants.  God’s methods may not seem logical to us, but He is most glorified through the ministries of men and women who serve Him humbly as they recognize their utter dependence upon Him.

GOD ASSURES MOSES: When God calls Moses, He makes it very clear that He will go with him and be before him in the task of setting the people free.  God does not call us to do things without equipping us to do them through His presence with us.  The presence and power of God are absolutely essential to doing the work of God.  We must never become deceived into thinking that we are adequate in and of ourselves.  Moses has many doubts just as most of us do when we seek to do the work of God.  However, we must seek assurance from the Word of God to know that what we are doing is the will of God and then know that we can count on the work of God in our own lives.

GOD APPOINTS MOSES: God tells Moses that he will be facing an uphill battle with the Pharaoh of Egypt but he clearly identifies Himself to Moses and appoints him as his chosen leader to accomplish this task.  God is responding to the prayers of His people.  He has been preparing Moses for this task without Moses knowing about it.  Now it is time for God to set His plan into motion so He reveals it to Moses.  It is a great honor to be used in the work of God, but we must be careful not to consider ourselves as worthy of this honor.  We must wait on the Lord and trust Him to build the qualities and character that He desires in us.


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