Exodus 11:1-10

The consequences of sin are always much greater than we would like for them to be and beyond what we imagine would be possible.  When we sin we are enamored with the pleasures that sin promise, but we rarely consider the consequences of these actions.  Pharaoh has counted the cost of allowing Israel to go free and has decided that the cost is too high.  His pride leaves him in a position where he is blinded to the drastic consequences of his sinful choice.  God has been turning up the flame of suffering in Egypt that they might recognize their need to repent and obey God.  So far no one is listening, but that is about to change.
GOD PROVIDES FOR THE CHILDRED OF ISRAEL: Moses has won the respect and fear of the Egyptian people.  They feared him and his God and must have wondered how in the world Pharaoh could be so blind.  Moses instructs Israel to ask for articles of silver and gold from the people of Egypt and the people obeyed and made great provision for the people.  God is certainly able to meet every one of our needs.  He can use any number of means to do so, all He asks of us is to trust and obey Him.  God is able to move in the hearts of men so that His will be done through them.
GOD PROMISES TO KILL THE FIRST BORNS OF EGYPT: The last plague on Egypt is drastic and devastating.  God promises to move across the nation of Israel and kill all of the first born children and cattle in the land.  God has tried to convince Pharaoh to obey through plagues of discomfort and destruction of property but Pharaoh has refused to listen.  Now God is moving forward with His plan to liberate Israel through the plague of death.  God knows that this plague will inflict such great pain that the Egyptians will drive Israel from the land out of fear the more death is on the way.  If we want to avoid the consequences of sin we must learn to avoid sin but we must also learn to respond quickly to the initial consequences of sin so that they do not escalate.  The solution to sin is repentance and forgiveness.  Unfortunately Pharaoh’s pride and rebellion is about to cost him the death of many people.
GOD PROTECTS THE NATION OF ISRAEL: God made a way of escape for the children of Israel and promised to protect them from the death that Egypt is about to experience.  God’s judgment never comes without warning and it never comes without His provision for a means of escape.  God longs to deliver us from the consequences of sin and has made every provision for that to happen, but we must learn to make use of that provision.  This always requires humility, trust and obedience.  We must always remember to thank God for His gracious provision for our sin through Christ.  However, we must also make sure that we have availed ourselves to His provision for us by placing our faith exclusively on the work of Christ on our behalf.


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