Exodus 9:1-35

God knows how to judge sin and is capable of bringing great heartache to those who refuse to repent.  We often doubt this truth because it seems like so many times wicked men prosper while those who fear God suffer in this world.  However, the plagues in Egypt demonstrate that God is a very severe judge and that He is very capable of protecting His children while He judges His enemies.  One thing that is important to remember is that the slavery in Egypt has lasted 400 years and only now is judgment falling upon Egypt.  I am sure that the mothers who saw their babies being killed wondered if God would ever judge these people.  There may be situations in our day when we will wonder the same thing.  We can rest assured that He will.
THE PLAGUE ON THE ANIMALS: The animals of Egypt were taken from them in this plague.  Some sort of a disease comes through Egypt on the day Moses promised and killed only the cattle of the Egyptians.  Israel’s animals were safe.  However even in light of this great financial loss, Pharaoh refused to let the children of Israel go.  God continues to step up the severity of the plagues but Pharaoh still refuses to listen to or fear God.  A hard heart is a very dangerous thing and we must recognize that people without Christ may suffer from this same condition.  Only the Spirit of God is able to convince the heart of man of his sin and bring him to repentance.  We need to cry out to God and ask Him to make our own hearts soft before Him.
THE PLAGUE OF BOILS: Up to this point, the plagues have been external in that they caused discomfort and financial loss, but this plague brought about very intense personal pain.  Anyone who has had a boil knows how painful one boil can be.  Imagine having boils break out all over one’s body.  I could not help but think of Job as I read this passage.  Like the Egyptians Job lost his livestock and even his children and then his body broke out in sores.  Job experienced suffering but refused to curse God and worshiped before Him.  Pharaoh experienced judgment from God but refused to worship God and repent.  This is the stark contrast between believers and unbelievers.  When we face suffering for whatever reason we must like Job fall on our face in worship and not harden our heart before God.
THE PLAGUE OF HAIL: The boulders of ice and lighting that flashed across the sky ruined a great portion of the crops in Egypt, only this time Joseph was not around to have stored up supplies in order for the people of the land to be able to survive.  Pharaoh finally submits and agrees to let the people go, but as soon as the hail stops he goes back on his word and refuses to obey.  In times of crisis we are often quick to make vows and promises to the Lord.  However, when things get better we are quick to forget those promises to the Lord we quickly slip back into a life of sin and disobedience.  We must be very careful and recognize that we cannot fool God.  He knows our hearts and the sincerity of our faith before Him. 


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