Genesis 50:1-26

The main thing that God asks of believers is that we trust Him and rest in the promises has given us.  He is the all powerful God of the universe and He is good.  We can trust Him to do what is best for His glory and our eternal good.  There may be times when His way seems like it makes no sense to us but that, by definition, is the requirement of faith.  Even when we cannot see how His power is being used to fulfill His promises; we must trust Him and remain faithful.
JOSEPH BURRYS HIS FATHER: Jacob’s death was mourned by Joseph, the other brothers, the entire household and all of Egypt.  The size of Israel had already grown substantially by the time Jacob died and the influence of this people was evident in the land of Egypt.  As much as they were comfortable and well respected in Egypt; God had still promised another land to this nation and Jacob wanted to be buried in the land that had been promised to him and where his family had been buried.  Egypt was a temporary place for Israel but their permanent place to dwell that had been promised by God was in the land of Canaan.  A huge procession goes out from Egypt for this time of mourning and burial.  It is important to honor our parents and to recognize them as the people who God has placed over us in order that we might demonstrate respect, love and care.  When we honor our parents, in reality we are honoring God.
JOSEPH IS BENEVOLENT TO HIS BROTHERS: The brothers were now worried that Joseph would seek his revenge upon them since their father had died.  They imagined that somehow Jacob had had a calming effect on Joseph’s wrath and they now feared that Joseph would punish them for their past sins against him.  Joseph demonstrates that his forgiveness was not about pleasing Jacob, but it was about recognizing God’s sovereign will.  Joseph knew that God was behind all that had happened to him.  That does not excuse the sins of the brothers, it just means that Joseph recognized that it was not his place to judge the sins of others.  God alone is to stand over this world and He is the just judge of the universe.  When people offend me or sin against me I must be ever aware of His control and never allow a spirit of vengeance or bitterness to take over my heart.  God has called us to recognize His power over our circumstances and simply trust Him to do what is right.
JOSEPH BELIEVES GOD’S PROMISES: When it came time for Joseph to die; he commanded his family to carry his bones from Egypt because he, like his father, wanted to be buried in the land that had been promised to Israel.  Even though many years had passed, Joseph still had complete trust in the fact that God’s plan and promise would eventually come to pass.  Circumstances and the passing of time can often be used of Satan to tempt us to doubt God’s goodness and fear that He has lost control.  Joseph did not give in to these thoughts or temptations.  We can rest secure in the promises of God and live in light of them until we take our last breath.  Even when we cannot see how His promises will ever come true, we can pass into eternity with assurance that He is in control and that He is faithful to do all that He has promised.


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