Genesis 45:1-28

Grace is one of the greatest blessings that we can experience in life.  There are so many times in life when we deserve to be treated in a manner much different than what we ultimately experience.  That is certainly most true when we talk about the way that God treats us.  We deserve condemnation, but by His grace we can be forgiven of our sin and experience eternal life through the cross of Christ.  Joseph certainly demonstrated grace to his brothers in this passage.
JOSEPH REVEALS GRACE TO HIS BROTHERS: After Joseph saw that Judah was willing to take Benjamin’s place he knew that things had changed and he could hide his identity no longer.  Despite their harsh treatment of him, Joseph still had a profound love for them and embraced them with tears of joy.  He longed to see his father again and was so happy to be reunited with his brothers.  The men deserved to be severely punished for all that they had done.  Joseph had it within his power to imprison them forever or even have them killed if he wanted.  Certainly revenge must have gone through his mind as I am sure it would have been in my heart.  It is important for us to remember that just because and action is justified, that does not make it right.  Grace will always leave us and others feeling better.  God has been so gracious to us; we must reflect that same grace to all who are around us.
JOSEPH REMOVES GUILT FROM HIS BROTHERS:  Joseph goes a step farther than simply not taking revenge upon his brothers.  He could have simply told them to forget what they had done in the past and told them that he loved them anyway.  Instead, he goes a step further and tells them that their evil act was actually used by God to preserve the life of the entire family.  Joseph gives us all a lesson on the sovereignty of God.  Joseph could now see God’s hand at work through every step of the way.  He could not see this while he was being mistreated and falsely accused but he continued to be faithful and trusted God.  We must realize that God is able to use the sins of others against us in order to accomplish the work of His kingdom.  This truth should help us to avoid allowing bitterness to boil in our hearts when others offend us.  We should view them as instruments of God in our lives.
JOSEPH RETURNS GIFTS THROUGH HIS BROTHERS:  Not only does Joseph forgive his brothers, but he also gives them very generous gifts and through the invitation of Pharaoh, sends wagons and supplies to be able to move the entire family to Egypt in order to be able to provide for them during the years of famine that were still to come.  When Jacob hears that Joseph is alive, he refused to believe it, but is filled with joy once he is convinced.  The pain and grief of the years lost are swallowed up by the joy of knowing that his son was alive and well.  The path on which the Lord may lead us may be full of trials and troubles, but we must always remember that He is in control.  He has a way of using those things that seem bad to us in such a way that we end up being blessed.  God meets our sin with grace.  He removes our guilt from us through Christ.  He showers us with gifts both now and in eternity that we do not deserve in any way.  What a glorious God we serve!


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