Genesis 43:1-34

We all try to put off the things that we fear as long as possible.  The last thing that Jacob wanted to do was send Benjamin with his brothers down to Egypt.  He had resigned himself to the fact that Joseph and Simeon were gone and his greatest fear was losing Benjamin.  The food situation got to be so bad that they either needed to go get food or risk everyone dying.  Jacob finally consented to let them go but was extremely worried.
A WARY RETURN: The brother all came back to Egypt with gifts and double the money in order to pay back what had been returned to them and purchase additional food.  They feared that they would be treated harshly again.  It seems that the brothers had accepted the fact that their father favored the sons of Rebekah Judah promised to be responsible for Benjamin just as Ruben had promised to give his own children in Benjamin’s place.  They needed to get the food and realized they had to face whatever might come before them in Egypt.  This fear goes back to the guilty consciences that they had over what they did to Joseph.  Their situation is compounded because sin always complicates our lives for much longer that we ever dreamed that it could.  We can choose to sin but we cannot choose the consequences of our sin.  When we cover our sins instead of repenting of them and admitting to them, we relegate ourselves to a lifetime of fear.
A WARM RECEPTION: When Joseph sees his brothers and gets to see Benjamin he is overcome with love and emotion.  He treats his brothers with care, invites them into his home and restores Simeon to them.  Joseph seats them in order of their age and serves them a special meal.  Benjamin is given extra food and they are all amazed at how this person knows so much about them.  Joseph shows no animosity towards them and they must have breathed a huge sigh of relief when they were treated so well.  There are many instances that we see Joseph reminding us of Jesus, but this is one that stands out in my mind.  These men did not deserve this kind of treatment; Joseph’s treatment of them was pure grace just as we receive so much grace from Christ.  We should constantly be breathing a sigh of relief for the way that God forgives us in Christ.


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