Genesis 46:1-34

Change is always a difficult thing.  As much as Jacob wanted to see Joseph and the famine seemed to indicate that Israel needed to move to Egypt; I am sure that this was not an easy decision or an easy move.  The light at the end of the tunnel was the assurance that Jacob would see his beloved son for the first time in about two decades.  Still, there must have been doubt in Jacob’s mind as He left the Promised Land.
GOD REASSURES JACOB CONCERNING THE MOVE: Prior to Jacob’s move to Egypt he stops to make a sacrifice to God.  I believe that he was seeking for God’s approval about the move.  Leaving the land was not something to be taken lightly and had gotten his father and grandfather in trouble in the past.  However, this move was ordained by God and had been prophesied by God when He first appeared to Abraham.  God appears to Jacob and reassures him that the move is all a part of His master plan and that and that He will make Jacob a great nation while in Egypt.  God also assures Jacob that he will make it safely to Egypt and that Joseph will be there with him at his death.  God demonstrates His grace once again by making His will known to Jacob.  He has made His will known to us as well through His Word which is yet another demonstration of His grace.  When we are in doubt about the path that we should follow it is always important to seek God through His Word as well as through prayer in order to find the wisdom we need to make the difficult decisions.  He may not appear to us as He appeared to Jacob, but He usually makes our choices clear to us when we acknowledge Him and seek His face.
GOD RECORDS JACOB’S DESCENDANTS DURING THE MOVE: We know the names of all the descendents of Israel who came into Egypt because they are written for us here.  In all there were seventy people that came into the Land of Egypt.  Certainly there would have been servants who were not counted in this number, but this is still a relatively small group when it comes into the land.  God will multiply them greatly before they leave just as He promised to do.  We serve a God who always keeps His promises.
GOD RESTORES JACOB AND JOSEPH THROUGH THE MOVE: The long awaited reunion finally did take place and Jacob and Joseph were able to embrace.  What a glorious reunion that must have been.  Joseph knows the land and the culture and makes every provision for them to be taken care of in the land.  Joseph tells Jacob how to respond to Pharaoh and knows where his family will be best provided for.  God has clearly put Joseph in the right place at the right time to meet the needs of His people.  This scene reminds me of a little taste of what heaven will be like.  Christ has gone before us and is making all the provisions that we could ever want or imagine.  It will also be a glorious time where we will be able to reunite with loved ones from whom we have been separated for a long time.  Most of all we will be in the presence of Christ.  Oh what a glorious day that will be!


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