Psalm 14:1-7
A conviction of the existence of God is vital to man’s
ability to cope with the realities of this world and eternity to come. However, whether we believe in God’s existence
or not does not change the reality of His existence in the least. There is ample evidence in creation,
Scripture and in the changed lives of men to prove that God exists. The problem is that sinful men do not want to
be responsible to God or submit to Him so they much prefer to live as if He did
not exist. Like an ostrich that burry
its head in the sand or a child who covers it eyes in order to pretend that this
will hide them from danger; men prefer to pretend that God does not exist so
that they can continue to be comfortable while practicing sin. David laments this reality and cries out for
the Lord to deliver His people.
THE MISERY OF MEN: David describes the plight of man apart
from God, and it is truly a miserable state.
Man is foolish to live in a world created by God and then try to deny
His existence. They have become
completely corrupt in their deeds because they have no fear of the consequences
of sin in their lives since they have convinced themselves that they are not
responsible to anyone but themselves.
All of mankind is under the weight and influence of sin and he does not
have hope of salvation apart from God.
No man is good and no man can be worthy of salvation. When God looks down from heaven upon man He
sees only corruption, violence and sin.
None of us have been able to escape the clutches of sin upon our
lives. Truly all of us are deserving of
THE MERCY OF GOD: God sees man’s desperate plight and He is
filled with mercy so He has chosen to redeem men from their sin through the
nation of Israel by sending Christ to pay the price for our sin through this
nation. God wants to restore man to
fellowship with Him but He can only do that through the shedding of blood. David knows of this promise and sees this day
coming so he calls out for the Lord to bring this salvation to pass. The Lord is our only refuge from our own sin
and from the sinful men with whom we share this earth. Because of God’s mercy and the sacrifice of
Christ God can look on those who trust Him and see only the righteousness of
Jesus. He is truly our only hope and in
His salvation we can be glad.
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