Psalm 31:1-24

Sin has caused disastrous effects on the world in which we live and on our own lives.  We are surrounded by sinful men, we live in a world that suffers under the ruthless reign of Satan but most significantly our own hearts are sinful by nature.  God has graciously provided a means of freedom from sin and forgiveness of sin to those who trust Christ but we still live in the same sinful world and though our hearts have been given a new divine nature we still struggle under the sinful desires that come from within us.  This reality of our lives leaves us in a very difficult situation time and time again.  Fortunately we are not without hope in these circumstances because God is always available to help us and deliver us when we cry out to Him.

WE CAN CONFIDE IN THE LORD: When we face difficulties, no matter what the source, we can always call out to the Lord and confide in Him.  Just being able to tell our hurts to someone else is a great blessing and source of comfort to us when we are in need.  David complains of two basic problems in this Psalm: one is that he was surrounded by unrighteous men who sought to kill him; the second seems to be some sort of a physical illness.  When he was confronted with peril or pain David confided in the Lord.  We must learn to cry out to the Lord when we are in distress.  Too often, we struggle and strive on our own to try to make things work out in our own strength.  This type of attitude is folly when we have the Sovereign of the universe at our disposal.  He is honored and glorified when we confide in Him.  We demonstrate our dependence upon the Lord when we call on Him in prayer.  

WE CAN HAVE CONFIDENCE IN THE LORD: When we do call out the Lord in prayer we can be confident that He will go what is right.  David uses a phrase in this Psalm that was repeated by Christ on the cross and Stephen when he was being martyred.  He simply said: “into your hands I commit my spirit.”  That short but powerful statement communicates a complete confidence in God to take care of the most intimate part of our being.  God must be our source of strength and a Refuge in which we place our trust.  He loves us and wants us to be able to rejoice in Him and give praise to Him.  We are in a very secure place when we are in His hands and we must learn to trust Him.  Even when the source of our suffering and distress is due to our own sinfulness as David indicates in this passage that his bones were wasting away because of his own iniquity; we can and must have confidence in the Lord’s love and forgiveness.  All those who surround us may want to destroy us or despise us, but God is our hiding place and we can trust Him. 


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