Psalm 28:1-9

God is worth of our trust because He always does what is right.  He does not confuse the just with the unjust.  When we find ourselves in need of help we can call upon Him and He will respond in a way that is right.  He knows how to punish the unjust and He knows how to deliver the just.  This should produce rejoicing in the hearts of those who love and fear the Lord.  We must learn to trust the Lord in all circumstances because of who He is.  He may not always respond the way that we want or expect Him to but He know better than we do.  He will always do what is right so it is our job to trust whatever He does because of who He is.  It is easy to trust God when we agree with and understand His choices.  The true test of our trust is when His actions are not in line with our desires or according to our interpretation of reality.

WE CAN TRUST GOD TO JUDGE CORRECTLY: People can be easily deceived into thinking that right is wrong and wrong is right.  There are times when men will judge us incorrectly because they will make wrong assumptions about us.  When the people around us are evil men will often just assume that we are with them and judge us in the same way that they should be judged.  God is not like that.  He is not fooled by the hypocrisy of men.  Men who pretend to be peaceful on the exterior but have evil intentions in their hearts are completely known by God.  We can trust Him to reveal their secrets and treat them accordingly while giving relief and showing mercy to those who serve Him with a pure heart.  It is lunacy to try to fool God because, in reality, we are only fooling ourselves.

WE CAN TRUST GOD TO HEAR US CLEARLY: It may not always feel like we are being treated in a just manner.  When that happens we should be faithful to call upon the Lord.  Our tendency is to pout and turn away from the Lord when we feel like He is not being just.  We must demonstrate our trust in Him be maintaining open lines of communication with Him during the hard times that we are called to face.  We must trust that He hears us, that He is protecting us and that in His timing He will deliver us.  This trust that he hears us clearly and responds to our cries correctly should bring rejoicing to our hearts.  He has all the power necessary to bring down evil men and to rise up those who trust in Him.  He is our Shield, our Savior and our Shepherd.  We can trust and rejoice in Him.


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