Psalm 23:1-6

Without question this is the most known and popular Psalm and even chapter in all of Scripture.  Only John 3:16 is more quoted than this precious and beautiful Psalm.  David was a shepherd and so he knew all about caring for sheep in the best possible way.  So now he applies the characteristics of a shepherd to God and the way that he cares for His children.  However, the response to the Shepherd’s care in the lives of us, His sheep, is also very important to note in this text.  Because God is … we should be … .  This theme is clearly repeated in each truth that we learn about God.  We must always remember that every truth that we learn about God should bring about a change in our lives and the way that we respond to the circumstances of our lives.  We can see three clear ways that God works as our Shepherd and the corresponding response that this care should generate in our lives.

WE MUST BE CONTENT WITH GOD’S PROVISION: Paul told Timothy that contentment with godliness was great gain.  The idea of contentment goes against every value that today’s culture promotes.  We live in a day where we always want more.  We want bigger and better things and can never seem to be satisfied with God’s provision in our lives.  The truth is that God has made every provision for our physical, emotional and spiritual need.  He is honored and glorified when we are content with what He has sent.  David speaks of the water and food that God has given; the peace within his heart and the restoration of his soul.  Our hearts should be overflowing with praise for God’s generous provision in our lives.  Instead we see a society of people who always want more so their lives are full of worry, stress, anxiety, fear, anger and greed.  We must begin to recognize that our good Shepherd has provided all that He determines we need so it is our job to rest contentedly in His gracious provision.

WE MUST BE CONFIDENT IN GOD’S PROTECTION: David knew what it was to be on the run from his enemies.  He was constantly surrounded by people and nations that wanted to kill him.  However, David was confident in God’s ability to protect him and deliver him from his enemies so he took great comfort in the midst of great danger.  Today in many parts of the world we are free to worship the Lord without fear of persecution.  However, many of our brothers and sisters in the Lord are constantly walking through “the valley of the shadow of death” because of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  They are hunted, thrown into prison and even martyred on the streets for being Christians.  Even where we have freedom of religion, our world is becoming more and more violent and we face constant threats of robbery, rape and even murder.  If we are not careful we will be overcome with fear of the dangers around us and we will hide our faith in order to escape persecution.  We must not allow ourselves to be controlled by fear.  We must remember that God is with us.  He has promised to protect us in accordance with His will.  That does not mean we will not be hurt or even killed, but it does mean that we are in His hands and not the hands of our enemies.  If He does allow us to suffer it is for our eternal good and His eternal glory.  We can always be confident in His protection.

WE MUST BE CONSISTENT IN HIS PRESENCE: We cannot allow the circumstances of our lives to dictate our attitudes and actions.  No matter how difficult or dangerous our reality might be, God wants us to be consistent and not tossed back and forth of the wave of our circumstances.  He is always present with us and we have experience his hands helping us in the past.  He is helping us now so we can have great hope for the future.  He will guide us on righteous paths, we will always be accompanied by His goodness and His mercy as long as we live and we have the eternal promise of living with Him forever.  We must learn to practice the presence of the Lord in every aspect and every part of our lives.  He will give us stability and strength to rejoice in Him no matter how difficult or dangerous our days may seem.  God’s Spirit is always within us giving us the ability to be consistent and under His control even when things appear to be out of control.  That is the supernatural power that God makes available to us through His presence with us.


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