Psalm 25:1-22

We all have needs in our lives that we seek to satisfy through any number of means.  One of our biggest problems is our confusion between needs and wants.  There are things that we want but we act as if they were needs.  There are also things that we desperately need but we live as if they were unimportant.  God is the ultimate source through which all of our true needs are met.  We need to recognize those needs and them humbly and desperately cry out to God to meet those needs.

WE NEED FORGIVENESS AND WISDOM: Man’s greatest need is for forgiveness.  We seldom recognize, think about or even admit that this is a need in our lives because it implies that we are guilty and we do not to admit that to ourselves, others or God.  We must not fall into this dangerous trap of taking our sin lightly.  The author of this Psalm cries out repeatedly for God to forgive his sin and not to remember his failings.  If we are going to be in a close relationship with the Lord we must be ready to humble ourselves before Him, recognize our sin and cry out for help from Him.  Another great need that we have is for wisdom.  It is foolishness to be wise in our own eyes and think that we have all the understanding that we need in order to go through life.  God has created the world in which we live; He has created us and He knows exactly the best way for us to live in this world.  We must be ready to admit that our hearts and minds are naturally foolish and will make the wrong choices apart from the wisdom of God.  Again we need to be ready to admit this fact and humbly cry out to the Lord for His wisdom.

GOD GIVES MERCY AND INSTRUCTION: Gratefully, God is merciful and all wise so He is perfectly able and willing to provide for our greatest needs.  Even though God has never sinned, He is still merciful to sinners and extends His love to us through the incredible gift of forgiveness.  He also has infinite wisdom but beyond that He stands ever ready to instruct us so that we might share in His wisdom.  He has taken great steps toward instructing us by inspiring His Word and by sending His Spirit.  We are truly a blessed people to have access to this instruction from God.  We must never take God’s forgiveness and His instruction for granted.  There are billions of people on this planet who have not experienced God’s forgiveness and have never seen a copy of the Scriptures.  We should thirst after God’s mercy and instruction, drink deeply of them and rejoice greatly in them.  When we pray to God or speak to others about God we should constantly be thankful for these precious gifts from God.  We worship Him by expressing our gratitude for and admiration of His mercy and instruction. 


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