Psalm 17:1-15

There are very clear contrasts between those who love and fear that Lord and those love themselves and have no regard for God.  David compares himself to the violent men around him and draws a very clear distinction between what he believes and what they believe as well as between his end and their end.  We may have a tendency to look at the wicked and the way that they often prosper with jealousy, but we must always remember that our perception of their prosperity is very limited.  David recognizes this fact and declares it to the Lord.  When we feel like the wicked prosper and God is not caring for us in the way that we desire; we should follow David’s example and call out to the Lord.  It is a good and healthy thing to declare our dependence on the Lord.  This Psalm presents a clear contrast between the godly and godless.

THOSE WITH A CLEAR CONSCIENCE CAN CALL ON THE LORD: David calls upon the Lord to search his heart.  David has a clear conscience before the Lord and has purposed in his heart to live according to the Law of the Lord.  David was far from perfect, but he loved the Lord and he was constantly focused on maintaining an open relationship with the Lord.  When he sinned he confessed his sin.  When he feared he trusted the Lord.  When he was victorious he praised the Lord.  God was the central focus of his life and the desire of his heart was to please Him.  David was constantly surrounded by enemies and under the attack of men who sought to kill him; but he did not live in fear.  Instead, David called upon the Lord and then rested in the protection that his relationship with God afforded.  We must learn to trust the Lord in times of distress, but we must also learn to keep our consciences clean through confession as we practice the presence of God in our lives.

THOSE WITH DECEITFUL DESIRES WILL BE DESTROYED BY THE LORD: There is another group of people who seek to attack David.  These are men who are full of violence who are like lions on the prowl ready to pounce on David and his men.  David does all that he can do in this situation: he calls upon the Lord.  He asks for God to deliver him from these godless men who live only for their own pleasure and immediate gratification.  They may have some form of power and prosperity right now, but it will all end with this life.  David points out that their lives will be cut short as they leave their infant children with an inheritance but as orphans.  The destruction of these deceitful men is sure and coming faster than they could ever imagine.  We must learn to live like David and find our greatest and full satisfaction in the presence of God and looking forward to being in likeness with His righteousness.


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