Psalm 19:1-14

God has chosen to reveal Himself to us through two different means.  He is revealed through the creation in a general way that allows all of mankind to understand His basic attributes.  He is revealed through the Scriptures in a specific way that allows all who read them to understand exactly who He is and what He requires of them.  The purpose of these means of revelation is to transform the lives of men so that they can be rightly related to God.  Sin has separated man from God but He has determined to reveal Himself to us so that we might be restored to perfect fellowship with Him.  This Psalm reflects this process perfectly as it describes the two forms of revelation in beautiful and poetic language, then concludes with a description of the effect that the knowledge of God should have on man.  This change that takes place in the hearts of men then becomes yet a third way that God uses to reveal Himself.

GOD IS REVEALED THROUGH THE WORLD HE CREATED: All of creation is a declaration of God’s majesty and might.  He has made the universe in such a way that its immensity as well as its intricacy reveals the greatness of God.  David uses the sun as a specific illustration of God.  The Sun is consistent in its coming up and going down.  It is powerful enough to bring heat and light to the entire planet.  It brings joy to the lives of men and nothing can be hidden from its effects.  All of these things and many more can be said about God.  Nature reveals to us the greatness and power of God in a way that should fill our hearts with joyful worship.  All of men are responsible to worship God because of what He has revealed about Himself in nature.  Those who reject this revelation and refuse to worship Him are justly condemned in their sin.  God created man with an ability to interpret the world in which they live as well as a conscience to lead them to fear and worship God.  When men choose to ignore or reject this revelation, they are without excuse.

GOD IS REVEALED THROUGH THE WORD HE INSPIRED: The clearest and greatest revelation of God is through the Bible.  This text revels what the Word of God is: perfect, sure, right, pure, clean and true.  David also describes what the Word of God does: revives, makes wise, rejoices, enlightens and endures.  There is no other book that compares with the Word of God.  There is no other means by which we can know God so fully.  There is nothing more powerful to bring about change in our lives than the Word of God.  The knowledge of God’s Word should be more valuable to us than any amount of wealth and should be more pleasurable to us than our favorite dessert.  We should be eternally thankful that we have the Word of God in our language and that we know how to read it because that is how we can know God and live for His glory.  One of our greatest priorities as believes should be to see the Word of God made available to every nation in every language and then teach them to read it so that they too might know God as we do.   

GOD IS REVEALED THROUGH THE WALK OF HIS CHILDREN: As we consider the glory of creation and the instructions of God’s Word we should be warned to follow them because of God’s justice, but we should also be motivated to follow them because of the great rewards that He has promised to those who obey.  The Lord uses His revelation to reveal our faults to us as well as to liberate us from the power of sin.  God can set us free from the grip of sin and transform us from slaves of sin to saints who are saved by His grace.  He equips us so that our words and our works are means of worship to the Lord Jesus Christ.  God is able to take the most depraved sinners and transform them into the most devoted saints.  His work in our lives is a means by which He demonstrates His power and grace.  It is amazing that God can take revilers of His name and transform them into revealers of His grace.   


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