Psalm 15:1-5
What are the marks of a “God follower?” David points out some of the basic qualities
that God desires to see in our lives.
These qualities are the ones that permit us to be in fellowship with God
and find refuge and protection from His judgments as well as the attacks of the
world. It is important for us to
recognize that David is not suggesting some sort of salvation based on
works. He is stating that God blesses
these character qualities with perfect fellowship and protection. Our salvation is based on our faith in the
work of Christ on the cross. However,
believers who do not follow the standard of Scripture find themselves out of
fellowship with God and leave themselves vulnerable to chastisement from God
and the attacks of Satan and the world in which we live. This is certainly not an all-inclusive list
of the things, but it certainly deals with two key areas that we must build
into our character.
WE MUST WATCH OUR MOUTH: James tells us that if we can
control our mouths we can be perfect.
David seems to see the words we use as a very clear indicator of our
character. We must learn to use our
words to build others up instead of tearing them down. Our words should be used to speak out against
evil and promote that which is true and holy.
Above all we must be honest with our speech. God has given us a great gift in speech and
He wants us to use it for His glory and to bless others as we proclaim the
truth of His Word. Unfortunately we
often use our mouths to hurt others brag about ourselves and as instruments of
deception. God wants us to be bold and
gracious as we use our speech to promote the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ.
WE MUST WATCH OUR MONEY: Paul warns us that the love of
money is the root of all kinds of evil.
Certainly, we can tell a lot about the character of a person by looking
at the ledger in his checkbook. God
calls us to use the resources with which He as entrusted us to further the work
of His kingdom and to bless the people who are around us. We should not take advantage of others by
charging interest to those who are truly in need. Nor should we look to increase our wealth
through means that are dishonest. God
has called blessed us with funds that He expects us to use as a means of
blessing others. Greed and the love of
money have no place in the heart of a follower of God. There is no amount of money in the world that
can make up for the blessings of fellowship with God or buy protection from
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