Psalm 26:1-12

There are attitudes and actions that God expects of His children as a result of what He has done in their lives.  Our obedience is in response to His graciousness and not the other way around.  We could never earn His blessings but He gives them to us because of His mercy, love and grace.  However, His blessing upon our lives should result in our hearts being full of gratitude.  His work in our lives is one of transformation from lost sinners into saved saints.  Apart from His work in our lives we would not be able to live in obedience to the Lord, but because He has come into our lives; He enables us to live in a way that is pleasing to Him.  This Psalm outlines the benefits of living a life of obedience before the Lord.

THE PLEASURE OF PLEASING THE LORD: We often consider obedience of the Lord or living in order to please Him to be a duty.  While it is true that we are called upon to live a life of obedience and it is our duty to do so; we must always view pleasing the Lord as one of the greatest pleasures that is afforded to us as believers.  We are called by God to walk before Him and others with integrity.  Our words and actions should always be trustworthy and above suspicion.  We must be careful not to be influenced by the sinful men who are around us.  Instead, our lives should be dedicated to trusting and worshiping the Lord.  These are not burdensome duties that we should feel like we are being obliged to perform in order to gain God’s favor.  These are delightful qualities that God graciously produces in our lives so that we might have the pleasure of pleasing Him 

THE PROVISION OF A LORD THAT IS PLEASED: The Lord is very pleased to make every provision for His children.  He is not obligated to provide these blessings as a response for our obedience.  Our obedience is a result of His blessing and not the other way around.  These blessing include vindication of our sin, His steadfast love, relief from judgment, redemption and grace.  We do not earn these blessings by pleasing the Lord; instead, we please the Lord as a result of these blessing being bestowed on us simply because our faith in Christ.  Our hearts should overflow with love and thanksgiving because of the gracious provision He is pleased to grant us by His grace.


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